Capítulo Cinco: El Puma

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[Chapter Five: The Puma]

Maya and the two finally reached the Golden Mountains, it was a marvelous sight, since the sun hit at just the right angle to reveal the palaces large puma head. They warriors and Chiapa pushed through the doors with the weapons ready.

"Hola? Barbarian King?" Maya called out, "Barbarian princesa"

"So this is the Golden Mountains Kingdom palace" Rico stated as he looked around in the palace to see statutes of Pumas. "Where is everybody"

On the floor a rattle snake scared Rico back and ran ahead of the other two girls.

"Careful" Maya said, "Do not touch anything"

Just as she said that Rico stepped on a platform that cause a chain reaction, the floor Maya and Chimi were on shot up sending them in the air and just as they were about to fall back down the stone pumas opened their jaws and sucked them in then spatting them out from another Puma.

When the pumas closed their mouths Maya and Chimi collided with each other and began to fall down were Rico was hoping to catch them, but that wasn't the case. The floor that Rico was running left and right on, opened which caused him to fall along with them. Chiapa was the only one not to be in that situation as he watched the three fall into who knows were...

Well not exactly you see they fell until they hit ground again in a somewhat dark area with one source of light. Maya was the first one to get up then spat out something which landed in Rico's mouth, he woke woke up yelling. Chimi got up on all fours growling until she noticed a small spider on a skull.

"Friend" As she said that the spider crawled up her hand and she laid a small kiss on it.

"You're kind of broken aren't you?" Rico hummed, "That's exactly my type"

Rico admired her for a moment before Maya rushed to another side of the place they were in seeing the light. She put her weapon in a small gap of a pumas head, just as she asked Rico for some assistance a loud noise went off startling her.

Maya eyed the two and they got their weapons ready. When the jaw opened a shadow appeared, it took Maya a few seconds before recognizing it was...

"Barbarian King?!" She smiled.

"Ha! Told you someone here, daughter"

"Princess Maya of the Tecas?" The Barbarian princess gasped.

"Barbarian Princess!" Maya greeted

"Hello, Princess Maya! Sorry you fell in booby trap puma butt death hole" The king stated, his daughter probably having second hand embarrassment.

"We apologize for dropping by unannounced, your majesty's" Maya said bowing, Chimi following her lead. Then Rico asked about the bones that were in the trap and if they were made of clay. The barbarian princess then scolds her father about it, and his combat to her was saying that they were barbarians.

"Barbarians like rotting meat, like blood...What else do we like? Barbarians like to battle!" The King said.

"Papa I just think there's more to life than battle!" She said mimicking her father and making him gasp. Soon after a few seconds of more speaking the king and princess entered the actual palace to finish their packing.

"You're free to go Princess Maya and companions"

Maya and the two then followed from behind.

"Hold on, I have something important to tell you" Maya spoke before sighing," The prophecy wasn't about my father and my brothers."

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