The Gangster King......

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I have waited for this moment my whole life. All I ever wanted to do was be bad. I will show the crew who is in charge, and I won't let anyone get in my way. Today is my day....I am.....

The Gangster King (Ezra)

Zeb was in his room doing a bit of stretching when Ezra came into the room with an evil laugh. "MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ezra laughed. Zeb started growling. "Doing stretches here if you don't mind." he said calmly. "Oh, sorry." Ezra said apologizing. But before he left, he said, "Your form is horrible!" and started laughing.

This is the beginning of my new life. I will become the best villain the galaxy has ever seen.

 Or not....

Ezra saw Kanan wearing the same thing he was wearing (A pirate costume) and said, "Hey! You gotta change!" he pointed.

Kanan looked over at Ezra and said, "You change!"

"No! I was wearing this first!" Ezra said.

"No, I planned this when I was a baby!" Kanan replied.

Ezra gasped. "This is my first day being evil and you're ruining everything!"

"Shut up!" Kanan yelled.

"I hate you!" Ezra cried.

"I hate you too!" Kanan said.

Ezra walked away gruffly and Kanan let out a small "Argh" and started crying away.

 The Next Day

Today is another day. I won't let anyone stop me from being the evilest of evil. I will show them who's boss. I am......

The Gangster King

He put his hood on and walked away.

This is it. He may have ruined the last one but today is my.....

Ezra saw Kanan wearing a sweatshirt with his hood up. Ezra screamed, "Again?!"

Kanan looked over at Ezra, pulled down his hood and said, "Come on!"

"Stooooppp man!" Ezra whined.

"I thought about this yesterday when I was running back to my dorm!" Kanan said.

"I worked so hard on this one!" Ezra whined.

Kanan stomped his foot and said, "I don't understand you!"

"How about you stop wearing what I'm wearing?" Ezra said.

Kanan paused. "No"

Ezra slumped his shoulders and said, "Ugh! I'm out of here!" and started walking back to his room.

Kanan hissed and started crying back to his room.

 The Next Day

Ezra was levitating himself (through the Force) down the hallway and landed; only to see Kanan landing; wearing the same thing again. (A black curly wig and a demon costume)

'Were you flying too?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah?!" Kanan replied.

"I knew it!" Ezra said stomping his foot.

"You got a problem with my flying?" Kanan asked.

"I just learned how to fly! I took classes." Ezra whined.

"I taught you!" Kanan said looking shocked. "Why do you keep coming through this hallway anyways?"

Ezra got all defensive and said, "This isn't your hallway! I can walk through it if I want to!"

"Well you know I'm gonna be here!" Kanan yelled.

"Well...I look better than you in this costume anyways!" Ezra said.

"I hate you!" Kanan said.

Ezra started crying back to his dorm again.

 The Next Day

Ezra came back to the hallway wearing a pilgrim costume and said, "Again?!"

"Why!" Kanan whined.

Ezra walked away crying and Kanan curled up in a ball.

 The Next Day

Ezra was walking back to the same hallway wearing a black t-shirt and matching black pants. He saw Kanan wearing the same thing and yelled, "I tried to go simple, and you're still wearing the same thing!" and tore off his sleeve.

"This is very interesting! It's not simple!" Kanan replied.

Ezra threw his hands in the air and said, "Now what?" knowing that he could not compete with that. But he saw Kanan tearing his sleeve too.

"That's it!" Ezra yelled and went back to his room.

"That's right! Walk away." Kanan said looking impressed with himself.

 The Next Day

Ezra was walking back to the hallway wearing a bathrobe. When he saw Kanan he said, "No way!" looking at Kanan wearing a bathrobe too.

"Why?" Kanan whined.

"Aw whaat?" Zeb said, wearing a bathrobe too. "We're all wearing the same thing!"

Ezra stomped his foot. "I don't wanna be a villain anymore!" he said as he walked away.

"I don't wanna be a villain either!" Kanan said punching Zeb. "It's all your fault!" he said as he walked away.

"Whatever." Zeb said. "They're just jealous." looking pleased at himself.

(I got the idea for this chapter from a YouTube video called "Alexander Evil" by Wassabi Productions. Their video was really funny and I thought, "What if this was on Star Wars Rebels and Kanan and Ezra were in the same situation?" And taht's how this chapter was born! Make sure you leave a comment on who you think wore the best costume and why.)

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