April Fool's Day with Ezra Part 2

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As Ezra crawled through the vents, he could hear Hera talking to Chopper. Maybe I should get Hera next. he thought. He waited till he didn't hear Chopper anymore and climbed out to the cockpit.

"Ezra, what were you doing in the vents?: Hera asked.

"Just trying to avoid death." Ezra replied.

"From who?" 

"Sabine and Zeb." 

Ezra quickly grabbed some confettii and sparkles and put them behind his back.

"What was that?" Hera asked.

"Nothing." Ezra lied.

Hera crossed her arms. "Show me" she said.

Ezra confettied and sparkled her before she could yell.

"April Fools!" Ezra said laughing.

He then quickly went back to the vents. 3 down, 1 more to go. he thought. He put his mental sheilds up through the Force so Kanan wouldn't see him coming. He went through his pocket and found a banana peel. When did I have a banana? he thought. Oh well, it'll have to do. He tracked down Kanan and found him where Zeb was, in the kitchen. Perfect. He quickly went to Kanan's room, set up his trap with the banana peel, then he put some pillows over to the sides and put springs on the back of them so they would shoot out. Then he waited in the vents for Kanan.

After 5 minutes, Kanan finally went to his room. He saw a banana peel on the floor and said, "Ezra, I know your trying to prank me. This isn't funny!"

Ezra came out of the vent. "Okay you got me." he said.

"Were you pranking everyone?" Kanan asked.

"Well everyone exept Chopper cause I already got him last week. My last suspect was you." Ezra replied.

"Well turns out I outsmarted you." Kanan said laughing.

"Fine, I'll go tell everyone I'm sorry." Ezra said sighing. But as soon as he started walking back, he slipped on the banana peel. Kanan laughed and said, "Now who's the Prank Master?"

"Haha very funny." Ezra said sarcestically.

"Now go apologize to everyone." Kanan instructed.

Ezra sighed and went to go apologize.

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