S1, E5: Big Man on Berk

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S1, E5: Big Man on Berk

Dad called for us to help with a Scauldron problem, we came over as soon as we could. Additionally, Agnes, Astrid's mom, wrote a separate letter saying the baby will be coming soon. For that, we rushed over as soon as possible.

When we arrived, Agnes allowed me to feel her stomach. It was very big, but I could the faintest trace of movement. And when the baby kicked, I was so surprised, I nearly fell out of the chair I was in.

Eventually, we had to leave and do what Dad called us to do.

As we fly over the ocean to find the problematic Tidal Class dragon, the others are searching for the Scauldron, while I drift away into my own thoughts. As we've started to build the Dragon's Edge, I've been trying to keep my distance from the others. I don't want to scare them again, so I just stay around Hiccup and Astrid.

Suddenly, Hiccup's voice brings me back to the situation.

"All right, gang, we'll buzz past the Scauldron and draw its attention so Astrid and Nara can net it from behind and drag it out to sea, got it?"

"I still think we should blast it!" Tuff calls from the back.

"My Dad just wants us to move the Scauldron out of Berk's fishing lanes." I say softly, but still loud enough for them to hear.

"So don't get any crazy ideas." Astrid clarifies.

"Uh, sorry." Ruff says. "Crazy is what we do, Astrid. Duh!"

"You guys do realize that a Scauldron's hot water blast can rip the scales right off a Screaming Death?" Fishlegs says.

Do we know that? I mean, it's not like any of them have seen it happen. I guess in theory it could.

Interrupting my train of thought, the Scauldron rises to the surface beneath us and roars.

"There it is." Hiccup says. "Let's focus, guys."

Stormfly and Vision head to the back and Saviour catches the other end of the net that Astrid tosses, before bringing it to me. We tie the net to our dragons and start to swoop down, waiting for the distraction to scoop it up.

"One... Two... Three!" Hiccup counts.

As Hiccup reaches three, Fishlegs sneezes so loudly, it startles Meatlug who starts to fly erratically. I hear the Scauldron growl and I curse softly, knowing it heard us. Meatlug spins and knocks Snotlout off Hookfang. The young Jorgenson screams as he falls into the net. Barf n' Belch stop abruptly, as to not get hit by Meatlug as well.

"Help me!" Snotlout shouts.

"Abort! Abort!" Hiccup calls out, before Meatlug smacks into Toothless. "Aah! Fishlegs!"

"Uhh! I knew I hated this mission." Snotlout grumbles.

Vision and Stormfly bank right, Snotlout in the net nearly hitting the Scauldron. Toothless circles the Scauldron, taking its attention away from us.

"Plasma blast, bud." Hiccup commands.

Toothless fires at the Scauldron, who roars at Hiccup and Toothless, before retreating under water.

"Oh, I see how it is." Tuff says. "You're allowed to blast it."

"Let's regroup at Berk and go from there." Astrid says as we rejoin the others.

We fly back to Berk and land in the village square. I keep my head towards the ground so no one would look to them and see the horror that is my face.

Being in Berk after what feels like forever is a strange feeling. I feel like every set of eyes follow my every move, trying to catch a glimpse of the 'monster'.

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