Author's Note

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Dear Reader,
If you haven't guessed by the salutation let me tell you that this author too has become enamoured with the new Netflix series "Bridgerton". And the love that you all have shown to this book and me has motivated me to publish my book as a paperback. But don't worry dear reader as I too once was a broke little girl who wanted nothing but free books so I am not going to delete this version. If you love this book too much and want to own a physical copy you can contact me through my Instagram Profile and get it delivered anywhere in the world. I believe that reading should be free for everyone so I don't plan to change anything in the hardcopy. I hope that you like my writing and help me earn a little money. Till Then, Happy reading.

P.S. The Paperback will be available for you to buy from the 21st of July, 2022.

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