Chapter 9: A Dishonorable Charge

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Author's Note: 

That is it guys, just one more chapter to go one now. The next chapter is going to be an epilogue and not as long as you guys would like but it will be worth it for all who like H.E.A's. Please vote if you like this chapter and happy reading guys.




All his years of practice and training came to Torryn's aid as he deflected Henry's shameful attack purely by instinct. The noblemen's shouts and gasps of shock that rang around them but didn't register to either. Torryn was livid and Henry, mad. Disgusted, Torryn glared at his opponent and asked, "Have you no honor at all? You would strike a man while he had his back turned to you?" Henry was gone beyond understanding what he was doing now. His true colors were finally coming out. "You are a fool," He sneered as he raised his sword "And you will be dying today for your precious honor and chivalry over that whore Elyssande." The spectators were all silent now, not even breathing loudly so as not to distract the men who were circling each other, now fighting on a primal level. "I am not fighting for honor and chivalry, Henry." Torryn said softly, like trying to pacify a difficult child. "I am fighting for an innocent's freedom. Honor and chivalry are just my tools." He was prepared to defend himself even if his stance did not show so, knowing that Henry was not going to fight by any rules. "Whatever you are fighting for, you are going to die, Welshman" cried Henry as he ran to attack.

Torryn pirouetted away in a fluid movement missing Henry's sharp sword easily. He missed his target and that made Henry clumsy. "Why don't you fight me, you coward? Are you tired? Or are you trying to stay alive for a little longer than I intend for you?" Henry jeered. Torryn was actually calculating the maximum amount of damage his blunt sword could do. He did not want to attack until he was absolutely sure. When Henry charged this time, his deflection did not work as intended and the sharp sword nicked his left hand, his bunched up muscles singing in pain as the flesh tore with the leather.

The success of his attack made him careless and Henry came at Torryn with his sword raised above him as if he was going to cut him in the middle from head to toe. Torryn, at the last moment, knelt on the hard ground, turned his sword to its flat side and swung it as hard as he could. It hit Henry hard, striking the same place where he had knocked him before. Henry's grip on his weapon loosened and almost as if fate would have it, fell on Torryn who grabbed it and now held two swords. Henry was still not finished and fished out a hidden knife from his boots, cutting Torryn's face before raising it to stab right at his heart.

It was the only way Torryn could have survived the killer blow and took his chance, running Henry's own sword through his torso before the knife reached its destination. Henry looked shocked for a second, looking down at the hilt of the sword that was to kill the Welshman, now buried in him. He grabbed the hilt by both his hands and pulled it out before Torryn could stop the imbecile. He rushed to put pressure on the wounds to stop the blood that was gushing out. The servants and Lords rushed to their side, where Henry lay on the ground and Torryn tried his best to save the man who had wanted to kill him. "I cannot... I cannot breathe," Henry gasped as blood poured from his mouth now, pain convulsing his face. "So now you will take Elyssande." He said it with such finality that had Torryn shaking his head in regret. He had not intended to kill the man. "Elyssande is free now," Henry gurgled, his eyes widening a little as if seeing something shocking. And then with a gasp, as if trying to take as much air as he could, he moved no more.

There was silence across the field and nobody said a word or dared to breathe. Torryn did not realize he was holding his own and slowly let it out with a long sigh. All the anger and hatred he had felt for the dead man lying in front of him dissipated and he felt numb. As if a man coming out of a trance he looked around to see that he was surrounded by a lot of knights and nobleman. Henry's father stood with his brother propped up by him as though he couldn't stand. Lord Durand stood by his side, his face stony and grim. Other knights who had participated in the melee alongside him were looking down at their fallen friend with different kinds of expressions. Some showed disgust, some relief but still many faces reflected the horror of what had just occurred.

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