Chapter 6: Some Confrontations

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Author's Note: 

I am so sorry for running a bit behind but somehow the slight challenge of uploading a chapter a day got to me. So I am uploading a long chapter to make up for this.
It is Day 7 and I am actually enjoying this. If only I had more readers. I am still grateful for all of those who are reading. Enjoy this chapter and vote if you like it. I would like nothing more. Some important announcements to make but at the end of the book. Till then, happy reading.


Torryn and Elyss woke up with the same intention the next day. To stop the wedding at all cost. They both chose their garments as if choosing armor for a battle and with the same aim went to talk to the person they knew could put an end to their misery. But fate was not with them that day and before Elyss could reach her father's bedchambers, an emergency from the kitchen called her away. After all, duty came first. Torryn on the other hand had hoped to catch Lord Durand in the hall, breaking his fast but was informed rather grandly that a hunt had been organised and his Lordship and his brother-in-law had already left the castle before the break of dawn. If Sir Torryn was interested, he was imformed furthermore, the lordship kept his lakes and grounds well stocked and he was welcome to his choice of sport.

Marion, who had caught the exchange between the two, motioned the knight to come closer to her. Torryn looked around in confusion expecting the maid might be calling someone else. But when he saw that it could be only him, he sauntered towards her, expecting to be reprimanded over something. His mother's maid was not very different from her and had twisted his ears too many times to count.

"If you are looking for my Lady Sir, you should try your luck in the kitchens. At this time of the day you would mostly find the mistress there" she said in conspiratorial tone when he came close to her. Torryn looked at her with an amused expression. "Why, maid Marion, do you think I am looking for your mistress?" He asked her with a small smile. Marion gave him a bigger one and said, "because of what happened three nights ago" before walking away in a style similar to Elyss.

Torryn was shocked to his bones. Elyss had confided in her maid! Was she having second thoughts about this marriage? If that wasn't the case, why would she tell a secret so big that could destroy her chances of a proper match? Maybe, he thought, he should first have a word with her rather than Lord Durand. A quick march with Rafe led him straight to the hearth of the castle where Elyss stood with her back to him, instructing the servants about their business. Torryn cleared his throat and blurted, "May I have a word with you, my lady?"

Elyss took a deep breath before turning around. He was standing right behind her, a serious look on his face, looking dark and handsome just like on the night she had met him. She realized that she hadn't been this close to him since the that night and the realized with some apprehension that she shouldn't be this close to him in the hall where everyone, the servants and the guests, could see them. "If you can wait till later, Sir Knight. I have to direct the servants for the preparation of tonight's meal.

Instead of accommodating her, Torryn glanced towards the servants working nearby and closed the distance between them a bit more. "What I have to say, my lady, is very essential," he almost whispered to her, his tone and rich baritone telling her that he wouldn't take no for an answer. She huffed out a breath of annoyance and crossed her arms before asking, "What is this important thing that you have to say to me, Sir Torryn?" He purposely glanced towards the servants working around them and then back to Elyss to hint at why he wasn't willing to talk to her right there. He wanted her alone with him, not only because he wanted to experience her closeness again but informing her of her betrothed's misdeeds was more urgent. He hummed again, "Isn't there a more secluded place we can converse, my lady?"

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