Chapter 2: A Chaste Kiss

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Author's Note: 

Yay! The next Chapter is here and I am happy to see that there is some great response and people are actually waiting for the chapter update. Enjoy it and don't forget to vote if you like it!




Both Torryn and the young woman looked at the fleeing backs of the squires and then turned to look at each other. Torryn gave the lass a smile of reassurance as he sheathed his sword. "I don't think they'll be bothering you any more tonight lass." "No, I don't think they will," she agreed with a soft laugh, the sound as pretty as her smile. This is what a knight fought for, thought Torryn, for this was a reward far finer than many he'd received. "Thank you, sir knight. Maybe they didn't mean any real harm, but I'm grateful for your aid just the same."

When Torryn replied with a welcome she continued, "You must be here for the tournament, Sir...?" making him feel a little uncomfortable. Even though she'd rightly guessed he was a knight, she spoke with a frankness which was most unusual, especially from a peasant girl. Peasant women were either very shy or regarded him too boldly depending on their marital status. Young widows were unusually bold in the presence of a handsome man. Highborn ladies always followed protocol in the presence of gentry and in his experience were as dull and meek as a lamb. This young woman did neither. She simply regarded him as she might a friend. It was certain that she had lived a very different life than the rest of her gender.

As pleasant as that thought was, he realized he wanted to be considered more than a mere friend. "I'm Sir Torryn Roderick." This time his accent got through her finally and she raised a comely eyebrow to ask, "Come a long way too, haven't you? From Wales?" This made Torryn raise his own. She was particularly observant. "That is where I hail from," he said as he strolled closer. He came to a halt a few feet from where she leaned back against the tree.

She ran a measuring gaze over him. Far from finding that impertinent, he wondered if she found him as attractive as he found her. "I haven't seen you at the castle," she noted. "That's because I haven't actually entered it," he admitted. "Being a Welshman, I'm not particularly fond of the company of Norman nobles, although I understand Lord Durand is a fine fellow." His smile grew. "Now that you know something about me, I'd like to know the name of the damsel whose honor I have saved."

There was a flash of shock in her eyes and she immediately averted them to stare down at her feet. Torryn felt perhaps she had suddenly realized how a peasant was supposed to behave towards a knight, especially a girl or maybe he had not hidden his admiration as well as he should have and had obviously frightened her. "It's Elyss, Sir and I ought to run back home now," she murmured slowly sliding away from him. But her behavior had awakened a side of him he didn't know he had and all he wanted was some more time with her. He couldn't let this maiden go away just yet.

"If so you wish then I hope you will allow me to accompany you back to the fire, in case those drunken louts return." he tried to reason with her. She must know, he thought, that he wanted to be with her a while longer. But she very clearly turned him down, "No, sir. I couldn't let you trouble yourself for longer than you had intended." She had almost reached enough to the left and tried to leave but he deftly intercepted her and bowed as he would to a queen. "Let me ensure that you reach your home safely, Elyss. It would be the utmost honor"

"No!" she almost shouted, her retort sounded astonishingly like a command. As Torryn regarded her with surprise, she quickly looked around like and animal who had been hounded into a corner. "You see, Sir Torryn," she started in a tone that defied her eyes, "I'm not even supposed to be in the village at all. I wasn't to leave the castle at all and I shall be in trouble with my mistress if she detects that I did." She mustered up a most pleading expression in her brown eyes to look up to him. "You won't," she faltered "You won't tell anyone about my impertinence, will you, sir?"

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