Chapter 4: The Wench's Deception

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Author's Note: This is a long chapter. Woohoo! Although it did take me a whole lot of time to finish editing it just the way I want it, here it is right on time. I am really glad that some people are actually reading this story. If you like it, please don't forget to vote and show your love by a comment. Also, do check out the other works in my profile if they grab your interest. 




Sir Torryn woke up with a start as a cock crowed in his full splendour. He didn't remember falling asleep but felt fresh and grateful for the little time he had done so. A glance outside the small window told him that not many of the patrons would be up after last night's merryment and quickly turned to wash in the cold water at the basin. He wanted to start the day early and reach the castle as soon as possible. He wanted to find out about the mysterious woman from last night. Maybe the morning light his search could be blessed by fate and reveal the one who had managed to ensnare his senses. Light footsteps echoing in the hallway proved that at least the owner of the establishment was up and so he could leave as soon as possible.

He went down the stairs, paid what he owed and quickly went out to the makeshift stable where his horse had been rubbed down and tended to the night before. He flipped another coin towards the grateful boy who had done the job and swung on his mount to rush towards the castle. As all noblemen and women woke up late, he knew this would be the perfect time to reach the castle and settle in. Only the servants would be up and about and he could perhaps chance upon the fair Elyss.

The road to the castle was clear and clean, maybe in anticipation of guests Lord Durand had cleared the path to make it more stable for carriages, horses and caravans. In spite of it being early in the morn, there were a lot of people on foot going the same way as him. The weary looks on their faces was a proof of last night's entertainment. There were a lot of people dressed similarly to how Elyss had been last night and it gave a little joy to Torryn's heart to know that even servants and peasants working for Lord Durand were being treated in such a manner that they could go out on a night for festivities. Not a lot of Norman Gentry were this kind to their staff. Maybe that's why Elyss's dress was although that of a peasant, it was made of a good material, much better than what his father's people wore for lack of better options.

He had thought a lot about her last night, keeping every detail about her fresh in his mind, wanting to find her as easily as possible. Her clothes, her face, the color of her hair, every little detail that could help him recognize her in her workplace. He knew that the servants of any Nobility's household were supposed to remain invisible. Like little elves coming out to work when the shoemaker is asleep, he thought with disgust, remembering a story from his childhood. It was going to be difficult to look for her in a crowd of gentry and guests. He hoped she wasn't a lady's maid, because that would mean that he would have to find a reason to go down the kitchen, usually where the staff ate. However, a Welsh knight welcome by Lord Durand will not be welcome by his household.

He reached the tall gates of the Castle and even though the gates were open in the morning sunlight, the guards asked about him courteously but with caution. He was made to pass through the next two without any aplomb and a stable boy stood in wait to take his horse when he reached the door to the inner sanctum. A young man, probably a servant, came to guide him to his bedchambers, where a matron stood in waiting. She told him in crisp tones that these were the chambers those were to be his till he stayed and if he required anything, he should let her know. Torryn was pleasantly surprised that he was given a spacious and airy room in the castle, one that looked like was given to family. Lord Durand was definitely generous along with his kind nature. Not many lairds had treated him this way in his travels. The Matron informed him that everyone would be down in the big hall to break their fast in another hour and he should rest his weary self till then.

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