Chapter 5: Some Revelations

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Author's Note:

So this here is the part where we will come to know why Elyss shouldn't marry Sir Henry. I know him being a sexist and condescending jackass is not enough and haven't we all dated someone like that girls. So just like us our heroine here is also making a mistake and totally ignoring the huge hunk fate has put in her way. I mean, come on. See how all of this is going to unfold. Don't forget to VOTE if you like this chapter and I would really really love some comments. It really makes my day, guys. Truly! Also, do check out my other works.




It had been two days since Torryn had discovered the true identity of Elyss as Lady Elyssande. Two days since his world had turned around. He wanted to marry that village wench, for god's sake but she turned out to be the bride. It had been a blow to both his heart and pride. All those little plans to woo and court her had gone down to the melee and he had tried hard to keep out of the way of wedding preparations by all means. It was one of the reasons he was strolling in the village in the middle of the day. The wedding had not put a damper on business and there was brisk business going on the streets.

He had discovered that his helmet had required some minor repairs since his last tournament and while Lord Durand's man in the armory at the castle could have tended to it, he had preferred to take his business to a man who needed it more. His father had always taught him to use any local man when he was travelling. It helped in the growth of the village's economy. And the smithy was as good as any reason to get out of the castle where he could chance upon Her. Although he would have preferred Elyss's presence in his life, Lady Elyssande's nature was becoming unbearable to the knight who wanted to do more than look at her from afar.

To be truthful, Torryn had expected her to do something the morning he had made the discovery. But after leaving the hall with Lord Durand, he had come back to see that she wasn't present there. The next time he had seen her was during dinner and she had talked to him like she would to any guest. She looked so cool and composed in the light of the candles that he couldn't help but compare the lady to the wench he had experienced a night before that. He had half expected to be ignored by her but she remained a perfect hostess the night through. Unsure about what to say or do in such a situation, he had come up with excuses to stay away from her. He wanted to talk to her in private, ask her all the questions that had been running in his mind. Unfortunately, the opportunity had not presented itself so that he could speak to her for she had managed expertly to avoid him too.

Even if she was keeping her distance, Torryn's keen eyes had taken in everything that was happening around them. He kept observing Lady Elyssande from afar. He wasn't still sure what she was doing in the village that night but her father had mentioned in passing that she was a flighty girl and loved to break the rules, but all that was done now. Lord Durand had said all of it with a twinkle in his eyes and Torryn was sure that both her father and he knew that Lady Elyssande wasn't really as settled as he was saying.

But he still didn't understand how a lady of her standing had kissed a stranger in the woods. Was it her idea of a jest? If that was so, he didn't find it amusing in the least. It could have been an impulsive act of a woman about to be wed, a last taste of freedom and he could understand that, especially when the groom was that arrogant and haughty. What did a woman like her see in a man like De Verley? He had noticed how kind and polite she was, how generous she was to everyone, even the servants. He had overheard her talking to the garrison commander to ensure that none of the food from the feasts was to be wasted but rather was to be distributed to the paupers. He knew from Rafe's continuous talks of how Lady Elyssande was the epitome of grace and how respectful she was towards all servants and even affectionate towards the old ones that had served her late mother before her.

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