9. Don't

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-2 days later-

"What did you say to me?!" 

He looked pissed. I don't even think pissed was the word to describe the hell in his eyes. His hazel eyes looked like he was ready to kill. I couldn't even hold his gaze due to the look he gave me.

I shouldn't have spoken back to him, I thought. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"N-Nothing." I say, my voice shook and I stuttered. The only time I spoke like this was when I was extremely nervous or frightened.

"Don't you talk to me you piece of sh.it!" He shouted, slapping me across my face. It already began to sting from the blow.

I opened my mouth to say 'i'm sorry', but I quickly closed it. He noticed this and slapped me again

"I said, DON'T TALK TO ME!" He yelled while a whimper escaped my lips. I was forced to the ground by him.

My Sugar Daddy frightened me. He could do whatever he wanted to me due to the fact that he could easily overpower me. His strength made me fearful of him. Along with how he was extremely drunk all the time, he was a purebred alcoholic that made his inner demons visible for everyone to see.

My Sugar Daddy looked at me with disgust, slurring incoherent words that his mind wanted to be thrown out. I curl into a fetal position to protect myself from his kicks. He kept kicking me until I was nearly unconscious.

I head a faint voice call out to me just as I was slipping out of consciousness.

"Kellin?" The voice sounded familiar.

"Kellin! Wake up." What? This wasn't a dream, was it?

Suddenly I jolted awake. I opened my eyes fairly quickly and sat into a sitting position quickly. My breathing was quick and unsteady.

"Sweetie, calm down." I glanced to my side to see Vic standing there, he was dressed in a red tank top and black shorts that went to his knees. My Sugar Daddy was sweaty from working out. He went to put a hand on my shoulder, but I flinched away from his touch, causing him to recoil his hand and frown.

"P-please, don't." I whispered, moving so I was more away from him. I was afraid that he would hurt me like my past Sugar Daddy.

"Did I do something, Kellin?" he asked, looking more confused than any other emotion.

"N-no- I just- I'm sorry." I started, moving the blanket off of my body and moving my legs over the edge of the couch, facing Vic. I looked up at him.

"Bad dream?" I nodded, sighing and looking down at my feet. "Do you want to talk about it, or...?"

I sigh to myself, deciding not to talk about it. I shook my head no.

"I'd rather not, at least not right now." I answered, looking back up at him, pleading for him not to make me explain that horrid dream.

"Alright. Do you need anything before I go to shower?" He asked

"I'm alright." I said, standing up and going over to the kitchen. My body had recovered mostly from the encounter with Vic, we have not done anything like that since then now that I think about it. I had things planned for later tonight, but it was past 9:00 P.M. and Vic had to work tomorrow. Maybe I could squeeze it in during the morning? Possibly.

Once I had consumed a decent amount of water, I poured the rest of it out and placed the glass in the sink to be washed later. I then went up to my room to try and fall asleep again.


The next morning I woke up a little early, just so I could catch Vic before he went off to work. I placed on a loose muscle shirt and black skinny jeans. I kept the dark gray socks on, heading to Vic's room. I peaked in, seeing he was still asleep. I closed the door quietly, heading off to the kitchen.

I grabbed a few things from the cabinet and fridge and began to make something that I had learned due to my previous Sugar Daddy. Breakfast Tacos. I worked quickly, but not quick enough to undertook anything within the tacos. The Taco consisted of multiple healthy food items. I wrapped the taco and placed it on a plate for Vic. I then sat out a glass of Orange Juice, since Vic seemed to like that with his breakfast meals.

I just completed my own and had sat it in front of Vic's, when my Sugar Daddy came walking into the kitchen. He had yet to fix his tie and blazer. He smiled warmly at me, I grinned back at him.

"Did you make this for me?" He asked, looking over to his plate.

"I did, was that okay?" I looked at him, my eyes slightly wide with innocence that I knew would get to him.

"It's fine, darling." He placed a sneaky kiss on my lips before sitting down in front of his plate. I sat down in the chair across from him.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, taking a small bite of the food I had fixed for him as a taste test.

"It was alright." I answered, taking a bite from my taco.

"mhmm. This is good." He spoke after swallowing the food in his mouth. I smiled a little bit, muttering a thank you before taking another bite of mine and chewing thoroughly.

We ate in silence from then on, not speaking much. I stopped eating once I was satisfied, only having a small amount left over on the plate. I drunk the rest of my Orange Juice, before getting up and dumping the remains in the garbage and placing the glass and plate in the sink. I would wash the dishes later.

Vic finished up and began to clean up some. I made him face me, fixing his tie and buttoning his blazer and tucking the tie in how he had it when we first met. 

"Have a good day." I say, kissing his lips gently.

He replied back to me by kissing back with equal pressure. I pulled away just before it could get too heated. Just before he left, he spoke dirty words that had my face heating up and made me question what was in store for later tonight.

"Tonight, I'm not going to fu.ck you."

"I'm going to own you."

(A/N- But, you might actually get a sex scene the next chapter.)

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