32. Give Him Time

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I pulled myself free from the grasp of sleep to find a old nurse at my side tending to the machines and checking my IV. I looked over to the other side to see that there was a empty chair; a shopping bag rested next to the chair leg. I look back over at the nurse, she smiled lightly at me.

"I will tell the doctor that you are awake," she paused before glancing at the door, "your visitor went to use the restroom, he should be back soon," The white haired lady looked back at me and smiled the same reassuring smile as earlier before leaving to go tell the doctor whatever it is she had to inform them about.

While I waited for her to come back, I laid there thinking about what could have happened to the children growing inside of me. My hand went to my stomach as I thought about the events and Vic and I's children.

I ran my fingers along the little bump before sitting up. I moved one of my hands to rest on either side of my body. I looked down at the my body and that my right leg had a cast on it from the ankle to the knee, and my other leg and arms had gauze on them. (Later that night I figured out I had a fractured tiba and a few bruised ribs.)

Shortly after the nurse left Vic walked into the room, his body language was tense but he relaxed when he saw me looking up at him. He kissed my forehead gently before taking a seat next to me.

"How are you doing, darling?"

"I. . .I have a headache but other than that I'm alright," he handed me a small cup with water inside of it, "here, drink this."

I took the small cup of water from his hand politely before taking a sip of it. I took a larger drink from it when I realized it was more on the cold side.

I was about ask Vic about the babies but I couldn't due to the arrival of my doctor. He paused and checked his clipboard before standing on the opposite side of Vic.

"Hello Kellin. I'm your doctor, Dr. Joseph."

"Hello doctor," I mumble, rubbing my eyes with my hand that wasn't on my stomach, "so, um. . .what happened?"

"You were in a car wreak. Do you remember?" Dr. Joseph asked and I nodded after thinking about it for a few seconds, "do you know how far along you are? Or possible gender for the child?"

"Umm, I am nine weeks in so I don't know the gender for them yet," I noticed that the doctor gave me a look when I said 'them'.

"Do you want the bad news or the sort of good news first?" the doctor proceeded to ask me questions.

"Bad news first, then good news," I say after a moment of thinking.

"Well," the doctor placed the clipboard down and pulled a chair up on the other side of me to sit down. He looked me in the eye once he was seated, "you lost one of the twins. But, the good news is that I managed to save the other one," he paused to let me take it in, his facial features were wary and cautious.

"I only have one baby now?" yy voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, causing him to give me a sympathetic look before nodding to confirm it again.

"The only problem with the surviving baby is the lack of nourishment. If you don't start eating more nutritious foods you will lose the other one as well. To make sure you don't lose the other one I am going to keep you here for the next forty-eight hours for observation," Dr. Joseph informed me.

I nodded at the information before looking up at him.

"I don't want to loose the other baby."


Two days in the hospital came and went.

I grieved in the hospital while Vic helped me through the loss, Vic's demeanor seemed off just by seeing the sight of me grieving. I'm sure we both were trying to cope with the loss but Vic didn't show too many signs of sadness towards the loss of the child. It made me wonder if he really cared about these children like he said he did.

If he did, then why wasn't he showing any emotions towards the death of one of the twins? Was he the kind of guy to hide his emotions from the world? He seemed to be, but I won't hold this against him despite his reasoning for not showing emotion. Vic didn't need me pressuring him to show his grief, if I did it would be messed up. No one should be made to show their sadness, I wasn't going to put him through that. Ever.


I let my left leg sway back and forth gently as I waited for Vic to come back with a change of clothes. I was allowed to leave and I couldn't exactly wear the clothes I had on previously as they were torn and covered with blood, plus they were thrown out. I ran my hand over my stomach and a smile appeared on my face at the thought of having a little pair of feet running around the house.

After a few minutes of waiting Vic came back into my room and handed me a black bag of clothes. He smiled at my facial expression before speaking.

"Mike brought you one of my sweatshirts and a pair of shorts. There's some ankle socks and boxers in there for you to choose from too," he was hesitant to place his hand over my hand on my stomach. He looked like he wanted to say something but he was holding back whatever it was.

"When I get changed. . .I think we should go home," I leaned forward and pecked his lips lightly.

"Alright," He removed his hand from mine, "do you want some privacy or-?"

"Yeah, I. .um. .I need some privacy."

"Knock when you're ready."


Later that night I found myself at Vic's house in my bed with my right leg propped up by pillows. I was going through Netflix looking for a movie to watch when Vic came into my room. My Sugar Daddy had changed his clothes to a grey pair of sweatpants and a tight dark grey tank top. He handed me a glass of water and sat next to me on the bed.

"Have you decided on what you want to watch?"

"Not really. I'm stuck between Edward Scissor Hands and Coraline," I placed the half empty glass down on the bedside table.

"Well, which one do you want to watch the most?" he positioned himself closer to me.

"I haven't seen Coraline in a while. Maybe we could watch that?" I looked at him for approval.

"Sounds like a plan," he kissed my cheek and I picked the movie and that's where we were at for the next hour and a half before finally falling asleep next to each other.


Edited by CrashedIntoTheSky

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