25. Someone New

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A/N- Sorry for any confusion yesterday? I accidentally clicked the publish button on this chapter yesterday and it published. (It was blank and didn't really have anything on it tbh.) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and what-not.

Also, thanks for getting this close to 40k reads. (It baffles me how people can like what I write, but I try not to question it too much?)

I slowly move out of Vic's grasp, careful not to wake him. Once I was free from his embrace I moved off of the bed. I then walked over to Vic's drawers and picked out a pair of boxer briefs and a random graphic tee. After I had put the clothing on, I went off to the kitchen.

I glanced at the clock on the wall of the kitchen. It read 8:23 A.M. Vic probably wouldn't be up for at least thirty minutes or more, this gave me a limited amount of time to make him something quick and special for him.


An hour later I found myself finished with Vic's breakfast. His breakfast consisted of a small bowl of fruit, a small plate of toast with butter on it, along with scrambled eggs just the way he likes them. I also had a glass of orange juice to the side. I had fixed myself toast and placed butter on it, nibbling on it every now and then. Once I had finished the toast I took a few sips of my own glass of orange juice.

After I was finished eating my breakfast I picked up the tray of Vic's food and went off to his room. I opened his door slowly, peaking into the room before opening the door more wider. I placed the tray to the side of the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I moved some of the hair out of his eyes, shaking his shoulder gently to wake him up.

"Vic...C'mon, wake up. I made you something to eat." I say, keeping my voice gentle and not raising my voice level to high.

Vic moved around a little bit before slowly opening his eyes to look up at me. I smile softly at him, he did the same, his smile lazy and tired.

"G'morning sleepyhead." I say as he sat up some. The blanket draped over his lower half, his torso and up was not covered.

"What did you do?" He asked while yawning a little bit.

"Well, I cooked you breakfast." I say, he glanced over to the side of the bed.

"Did you already eat?" I nodded my head, and he dropped the subject at that.

Vic made grabby hands for the food shortly after. I grabbed the tray of food and gave it to him, I was careful not to spill anything on him either.

"Thank you, Darling." He said, leaning over slightly to kiss me. I leaned forward some and pecked his lips lightly. My Sugar Daddy then began to eat the breakfast I had made him.

"mhmmm. This is good." He complemented me.

"Thank you." I say quietly, my cheeks were warm from the complement.

When he was done eating breakfast, I took the tray off to the kitchen. Vic was getting dressed and taking a shower while I cleaned some of the dishes and what-not. After I had cleaned kitchen I went off to my room to shower and change my clothing so I could continue on with my day.

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