23. Ain't He Sweet

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A/N- I just want to say, thank you very much for getting this 35k+ reads and getting it into the top 300 within the fan fiction category. I love every single one of you, hope you are all having a great day/night!

Also sorry for not updating as often as I should be, I've been helping to plan out a vacation with my family and I had writers block.

I kept my left arm wrapped lightly around Vic's right arm, just above the elbow joint. This place was filled with multiple people and SD/SB couples. The Sugar Baby of each Sugar Daddy had on either a purple, yellow-green or orange plastic bracelet. I had no idea what they stood for either. Vic had an orange one placed on my right wrist.

There was one person who I recognized in the room, the person was the ginger from the SD/SB register building. The ginger's hair was shaggy, a controlled kind of shaggy. He wore a suit and tie similar to his Sugar Daddy. I had no clue who his Sugar Daddy was, but he seemed to fit the Sugar Baby just right.

I only glanced at them briefly, before having Vic guide me along to some well-cut men in business suits. My Sugar Daddy talked some sort of business talk with the men. He spoke briefly about his own business, leaving it brief and not giving out too much information.

"The media has caught a few photographs of you and your acquaintance leaving a hospital, it wasn't too long ago either. They say that your Sugar Baby might be pregnant, but they don't know one-hundred percent. The hospital never gave them any information of value." One of the men says, causing a few of the others to nod and to look at Vic and I for confirmation and information.

"I would think that you would know better than to believe in the media, Harry. They often over exaggerate their stories." Vic said to the brunette. "We were at the hospital, but not for that reason." He said, calming a possible storm.

"I'd rather not know why you two were there anyways." Harry, the brunette, said while he glanced around for his Sugar Baby.

After a few more minutes of chit-chat, Harry left, going in the direction his eyes had fallen a few minutes prior. Vic and I stayed for a few more moments, I only contributed to the conversation with the other three when asked a question. I was very careful with my answers and I did my best not to give away any information about the twins.

An old man suddenly gained everyone's attention, causing all of the conversation to pause briefly. This wasn't just any old man, it was Vic's father. My Sugar Daddy's father was Victor Vincent Fuentes, which was the same as my Sugar Daddy's name. I glanced at my Sugar Daddy briefly before looking back at his father.

"As some of you may know, I am retiring within the next few months." He paused, glancing over the crowd until he had made eye contact with Vic and I. He then glanced around again and made eye contact with Mike and Tony, who I just now noticed were here.

"I have already picked the next owner of the business. He is one of my son's, and he is in the room as I speak." A few people glanced towards Vic and I, some also looked at Mike and Tony.

"His name is Mike Fuentes." The crowd applauded silently. I didn't get to hear anything else, as Vic began to walk out of the room. Anger radiated from my Sugar Daddy. We kept walking at a quick pace, stopping when we had entered a deserted room.

"Vic, I-" I started, but I was cut off by Vic.

"Be quiet." He said firmly. I closed my mouth, looking at him with careful eyes.

He paced around the room silently, causing me to worry a more with each passing second. He kept on saying how he should have gotten the position, as he was the oldest of the Fuentes brothers and that he was more experienced in the business. I decided to take matters into my own hands, as I was tired of hearing him go on and on about this. I made him stop, looking at him carefully.

"This won't solve anything, I doubt we can change his decision." I say, trying to be careful with my words.

"Kellin." He said, warning me.

I gave him a little pout, looking at him with a certain kind of look that he could only understand. I wanted to take his stress away, and there was only one way that I knew would work. He seemed to get what I wanted to do with him, but I wasn't for sure if he was okay with it.

"Can we...?" Vic gave me his full attention now as I spoke.

"Do you really want to?" He countered.

I nodded lightly, making eye contact with my Sugar Daddy. He sighed and moved over to me hesitantly. I kept my eyes locked on his eyes, only closing them when he placed a finger underneath my chin lightly and pulled my lips towards his.

Our lips moved gently, slowly picking up a decent pace. Vic grabbed my thighs gently and made it so I was against the door and that my legs were around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck lightly, making sure to tilt my head to the right while we kissed.

We kissed for a while, making certain moves in the kiss to get a quick breath of air before going back at it. Vic pulled away from the kiss first. He looked at me with a less crazed look. I smiled at him, pecking his lips one more time before he allowed me to stand correctly.

"Thank you." He whispered to me softly, kissing my lips again. I kissed him back lightly, then moved away from him.

"How about, we leave this dump and go have some fun at home, yeah?" I suggested. I bit my bottom lip lightly after I spoke.

"hmm, maybe." He said in response, kissing me a little bit rougher.

"Just remember that I'm expecting, so please try to be gentle, daddy." I whisper so that only he could hear. I didn't want anyone who could be eavesdropping to hear what I was saying.

"Alright, Darling." He kissed me gently before leading us both to the limousine that was outside.

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