16. Honesty Is All I Want

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I sat up on the hospital bed, now wearing a clean set of clothing. The outfit I wore consisted of a black long sleeved shirt with a doberman head on the chest and torso, ripped skinny jeans, black converse, a faded blue-jean vest and a dark grey knitted beanie to top it off.

The release form was already signed off, but the doctor wanted to give some advice on things I should avoid before I left. I was told to stay on bed rest for a day or two, if bleeding got bad again I was suppose to come back. The doc also told me that I should only be concerned if the bleeding was out of control. And lastly-

"You may have to wear pads for a few days, or until the bleeding completely stops. If you begin to spot again, and it's light, don't freak out. Just put on a pad and wait it out. However, if it's heavy come back to the hospital right away." He then went on and on about the signs of miscarriage and what I should consume, and not consume while pregnant. Most of the things he told me where things of common sense, and I'm sure I had enough of it.

After the doctor was finished speaking, I was allowed to leave. Vic lead me out of the building, his hand was gripping mine in a protective manner when I was forced to walk the short ways to the car. He seemed more protective in general, which confused me at first. Then I realized that he probably was being this way because of the baby, or it was because of the paparazzi that was out and about.

The thought warmed my heart, but I didn't say anything about it. One, I didn't want him to stop. Two, what if I misinterpreted his actions? I didn't want to be punished because of misinterpreting my Sugar Daddy's actions.

Vic motioned me into the car, as paparazzi were outside of the hospital and they were sneaking photos of my Sugar Daddy and myself. They probably would post the photos and come up with some ridiculous story about us. I sigh to myself, settling in the comfortable seat of this ancient GT Mustang from 2009.


"Do you want this child?" Was the first question Vic asked me that night.

We were in my room, as Vic had me rest the moment I got back from the hospital. He also had made me take certain vitamin pills that the doctor had suggested for the time being. It now was 9 in the afternoon, and we decided it was time to discuss the pregnancy after a lot of stalling.

"Yes, but if you want me to terminate it I will." I answered honestly.

"I guess it's a good thing that I'm alright with this." He muttered to himself mostly. I didn't make a comment on it.

"Are you ready for this? Do you think you're body can handle the pregnancy itself?"

"I don't think anyone can be 100% ready for pregnancy. There's always that chance it may not turn out right, something could always happen to the carrier of the child..." I trailed off, looking at Vic timidly. He nodded, a silent motion to continue.

"I believe my body can handle this. It was made for this." I say, feeling like I was being interviewed for something. If it really was, then this was one shitty interview. Vic nodded slightly, the room going quiet.

"The court case against Jaime is next week." He said after a while. I froze, looking up at Vic.

"Next week?" I asked

"Yeah, Tuesday." He said

I would have to explain what happened that day, I would be forced to relive it. I would be forced to be in the same room with that monster. He stripped me of something that I couldn't pinpoint. Innocence? My dignity? My purity?

"-Kellin? Are you paying attention?" He asked, looking at me directly.

"Not really, i'm sorry." I muttered, messing with the sleeves of the shirt.

Vic sighed to himself, moving some hair away from his eyes.

"Are you tired?" He asked, noticing me yawn slightly.

"mhm." I say, rubbing my eyes tiredly just to prove the point.

"We'll talk about this later. Get some rest." He said, moving off of my bed. I watch him walk towards the door, stopping him from leaving by calling out his name. My Sugar Daddy looked at me curiously.

"Will you- um- never mind." I said, backing down from what I was going to ask.

"What is it, darling?" He raised an eyebrow at me, walking back over to me.

I gnawed on my lip, thinking about the question. The worse he could say was no.

"Will you stay in here until I fall asleep?" I asked, looking up at him then down at my hands.

"If you want me to..." His voice was intimidating, but when wasn't it?

"Please?" I asked, looking up at him through my coal colored hair.

"Alright, Dear."


I laid with my head on Vic's lap. His slender fingers ran through my hair mindlessly while I was pulled closer and closer to a deep sleep. My eyes were closed, my breathing was even and steady. Vic suddenly began to speak, probably not thinking I was awake by now.

"I really hope you're ready for this. I don't even now if I am." He muttered, possibly referring to the pregnancy. He ran his fingers through my hair a bit more gently after saying those words. One of his hands touched my cheek lightly, as if he was afraid he'd break me.

His thumb ran along my cheekbone, begin gentle with his touch. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to ruin the moment by him knowing I was awake. Vic began to speak again, his words slightly angry.

"You didn't deserve what he did to you." He says, his voice going gentle with his next line. "You deserve so much better treatment, dare I say you should be pampered like a princess." He paused, moving a strand of hair away from my eyes.

"I don't even know if I deserve you and all of your holy glory. I fear that I may make you unholy and lose your innocence." He slowly moved my head off of his lap, he rested my head on a pillow instead. His body weight left the bed, but as soon as it did, he leaned down and kissed the temple on my head. He decided to stop talking there, probably afraid that I'd hear him utter more in my 'sleep.'

"G'night, Darling." He whispered before leaving me there to sleep peacefully.

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