13. Recovery

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A/N- Ayeee. Double update? Sort of? It's past midnight, but I don't consider it the next day until I wake up the next day. //

Sorry for possible errors, 

Enjoy -Ashxx

It was around 4 in the afternoon when I woke up again. I was breathing heavy and my forehead was covered with sweat. I was too caught up in my dream to notice Vic was at the doorway with a worried expression on his face.

I got up from my bed, pushing the blankets back with haste. I ignored Vic and went straight to the bathroom.

'I feel dirty.' 'I need to get clean.' I muttered things along those lines while I walked to the bathroom, which probably made Vic even more worried.

I went straight to the shower, turning it on and getting in it with my boxers still on. My hands grabbed the soap right away, I was too dazed to be phased by the heat of the water. I scrubbed my skin roughly.

I have to get clean. I thought while I scrubbed viciously. My skin burned slightly because of the heat and tears threatened to leak from my eyes. The water temperature began to change though. It was changed to a more cooler setting.

"Kellin." I heard Vic say, but I didn't stop. I washed the soap off of my body, going for the shampoo, but I was stopped.

"Kellin. Stop it." Vic said firmly, I noticed he was standing right in front of me. His pj's were soaked with the water.

I stopped reaching for the shampoo, and looked a Vic. He ran his thumbs underneath my eyes, probably ridding of the tears that were starting to come out by now.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, his deep brown eyes locked with my icy blue ones. I should be asking you this question, I thought, but I didn't say it.

"Because...I feel dirty." was the only thing I could say.

"You're not, dear." He moved wet hair from my eyes. I felt uncomfortable while being in the shower with him.

"You won't do what he did, will you?" I asked with a timid voice, forcing myself to look away from his soul piercing eyes.

"Look at me." He said, being firm with his words. I obeyed him on the first command. "I will never, ever, do anything like he did. I told you from day one that I wanted to pleasure you and I, not just myself. I will not put you through something that you do not want to do." he paused "Do you understand?"

I nodded faintly. "Yes, I understand." I reply, looking at the top that stuck to his chest. The water from the shower head rained down on the both of us. I sigh inwardly, looking back into his eyes.

I breathed inwardly, closing my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly, looking into Vic's eyes. His breathing slightly hitched, but I didn't care. I lent forward, kissing him slowly. Vic hesitated before responding, probably afraid that I'd freak out.

My Sugar Daddy allowed me to be the one to control our movements. The kiss was not fast and rough, it was slow and gentle. We kissed like that for a moment, then I pulled away from it. My forehead rested against his, my lips parted slightly.

"Thank you." I uttered those two words, casing him to look at me curiously.

"For what?" He questioned.

"Not being like him." I answered

- Three days later -

I lay on the couch, my head rested on a pillow while my thighs rested on Vic's legs. I watched my Sugar Daddy while he focused on a phone call he had received. He seemed pretty relaxed and casual about it, so it must have been a phone call from a family member or close friend.

Vic has already began to put a court case up against Jaime Preciado. I was grateful that he would help me with this. At least I wasn't going in alone. He still didn't know what kind of man Jaime was to me, I don't even know if he knew Jaime was my past Sugar Daddy. I felt like my present Sugar Daddy needed to know this though. 

While I waited for him to get off of the phone, I moved my thighs off of his legs and sat up. I stretch a little bit before curling into Vic's side. I didn't speak up until he was off the phone.

"Vic...there's something about Jaime that I think you should know before we go to court about that." Vic knew what 'that' was, so I didn't have to go in depth about it. I didn't want to either.

"What's that, dear?" He asked, moving so he could face me. I sigh, biting my lip and moving so I saw criss-cross on the couch.

"Well, I had a Sugar Daddy before you. That Sugar Daddy was Jaime. He, uh, disowned me to say the least. But what he did to me the other day was something I had to endure when I was with him..so uh..yeah." I say, looking down at my hands towards the end. I felt the warm tears wanting to burst free, but I refused to let them. I had gotten over what he used to do to me, as that was two years ago and I did not want to linger in the past.

"Did you do anything about it in the past?" He asked slightly aggravated. My Sugar Daddy didn't seem like he was mad at me. The anger seemed like it was towards Jaime.

"Yes, I took him to court over it and they had him sentenced for a few months to prison. But he was a 'innocent' man to them, so they let him free on false accusations. " I say, glancing at Vic again. I was doing my best to remain calm and not let my feelings get the best of me tonight.

"Ugh...stupid people letting that sh.it head out of prison." he muttered, standing up and going towards the kitchen. I waited a few moments before going into the kitchen, as I had to recollect myself.

When I walked into the kitchen, Vic was fixing himself something to drink. It was a certain type of coffee that calmed his nerves when he was angered and stressed. I knew this because he would drink it on certain nights when he came home from the business office.

I poured myself some ice water and ice, grabbing a straw and sitting at the granite counter top area that had stools attached to it. Once Vic had made his drink he sat down on the stool next to me, drinking his coffee.

"It's alright, y'know. Not what he did, but what happened in the past. I have gotten over it." I say, taking a drink of my water. "It was something I couldn't change, so I didn't bother with it as long as I kept him away from me." Vic stopped drinking his drink, glancing at me.

"He hurt you though."

"And I patched my wounds up and moved on with my life." I reply calmly. "What bothers me is that he may have done this with other Sugar Babies..."I trail off, taking a drink of my water again.

"I want to make sure he doesn't do it to anyone else again." Vic said

"Yeah, me too."

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