Chapter Two

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Cassie sighed as she looked up at the ceiling of her bedroom, her first day being out of school. No more education, no more hanging with people she thought were her friends, no more teachers, no more homework. Her best friend had left to spend a few months overseas with his family, she was offered to come with him, but she didn't want to.

Cassie was starting to feel a tinge of regret for saying no but she knew her mother would be funny about it. She sighed again as she listened to the sounds outside of her room, listening to the cars drive past her bedroom window and listening to her mother shut the front door.

Cassie didn't understand her mother, she didn't understand how a woman cared so little about her own daughter and how a woman preferred the company of strange men than her own daughter.

She listened to her mother turn on the shower taps.

Cassie slowly sat up; she wasn't sure how she was going to cope with everything. She wanted out of home but had no money, she had to spend it trying to keep the roof over their head and food in the kitchen even though her mother's loud company liked to grab what they wanted.

She placed her feet on her carpeted floor, she lowered her head as she struggled to figure out how to spend her days.

Cassie wanted to spend the last few weeks of 2011 doing something, but she wasn't sure what. She had planned to spend 2012 as a gap year but she didn't know what.

She slowly pushed herself up off her bed, she stepped towards her struggling to stay closed cupboard, she carefully opened the doors of the cupboard.

Cassie had had her cupboard for too long, it was barely keeping together, there was no back to the cupboard, overflowing shelves stuffed with her clothes always got stuck between the wall and the shelves of the cupboard, peeling stickers of animals and band logos which added some colour to the white cupboard. The cupboard only had one door handle which she had to constantly struggle to re-screw back in.

Cassie stared at her clothes; she wasn't sure what to wear.

The top shelf of her cupboard was covered in her underwear, bras, and folded singlets. The second shelf was overflowing with various types of dresses. The third shelf was overflowing with various shirts. The forth shelf held folded tracksuit pants, jumpers, cardigans, skirts, and leggings. The fifth and final shelf was overflowing with her pyjamas.


Cassie rolled her eyes as she heard her mother's voice. She tried to ignore it as she began to search through her cupboard for something to wear. She chucked a pair of underwear on her bed, chucked a singlet on her bed, she chucked a cardigan on her bed. She chewed down on her lip as she debated with herself on what else she wanted to wear.

"CASSANDRA!" Her mother's voice grew louder.

Cassie grabbed the first dress her hand landed on and threw it on her bed just as her mother opened Cassie's bedroom door.

"You forgot to buy milk."

Cassie closed her cupboard doors "It's not my fault that someone drank it all. I brought two bottles on Thursday."

"Well, there both gone" Toni leaned against the door with her arms folded across her chest. Her blonde hair pulled up into a high ponytail. A white singlet struggled to cover the cups of her bra. A pair of ¾ clung tightly to her lower body. Toni didn't look like she was a mother, no ounce of her showed that she had a 17-year-old daughter.

Cassie sighed as she picked up the clothes off her bed.

Toni rolled her eyes "Don't you have school today?"

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