Chapter Seven

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Cassie was going to try to retrace her steps, she hated that her mind refused to replay her illusion, she hated that she couldn't remember anything.

Cassie could've sworn until her last breath that she had explored the city but even her mind refused to acknowledge that truth.

She glanced down at the photo on her camera before lifting her gaze, using her camera as her connection to try to relive her memory of yesterday.

She was thankful that any of the photos she had taken yesterday hadn't mysteriously disappeared.

Cassie continued walking, glancing every so often down at the photos on her camera to try to keep track of her path.

She came to a halt as she noticed the building in her photo, the only difference was no sign of Welcome Cassie perched on top of the building glistening in the daylight. Instead it was just a building that looked as if it had been abandoned.

Cassie held her camera in her hand as she used her other hand to try to pull open the chained door.

She looked down at the rusted chain.

She didn't understand, how could there be a chain? That wasn't yesterday, at least according to her photo.

Cassie exhaled deeply before exhaling slowly.

She glanced down at her camera, seeing the photo almost mock her.

She stepped back, almost feeling an ounce of defeat. Maybe she had gotten the wrong building, she was looking for a building with welcome Cassie across it, this one didn't have it.

Cassie turned her back on the doors.

It was as if something had beckoned her back as she heard the chain snap and bang against the door.

Cassie turned her attention back to the door, her heart raced against her chest as she stayed in her spot. Her eyes studied the rusted chain.

The chain was gross with rust, gross with spider webs.

She knew it wasn't her who had snapped it, she certainly knew it wasn't the wind that snapped it.

Cassie took a hard swallow as she worked up her courage to step back towards the door "I'm going to die, aren't I?" She whispered to herself "They'll find my body in the river, won't they?" Cassie questioned her own sanity as she pulled open the heavy door.

She turned her camera off and placed it back into her bag, she pulled out her phone and flicked on the torch setting.

Cassie held her phone light in front of her as she steadied her steps inside the building.

The marks from yesterday still remained, a burnt circle laid in the middle of the floor. Melted candles littered around the space.

She flicked her eyes around the place as she tried to take in what she could as the light drifted from her phone.

Cassie jumped a little as flames around the burnt circle appeared, she lifted her head up as lit candles drifted down from the ceiling.

Her eyes dropped down to the inside of the circle as a staircase leading down revealed itself.

Cassie's heart raced as her breathing heaved, she took her steps forward. Allowing herself to follow the stairs down.

The echo of the footsteps trailed towards her.

Lucifer's shadow appeared on the walls as it moved towards her.

Cassie kept alert as she watched him stop in front of her.

The blonde hair, blue eyed man, wearing the exact same thing as he did yesterday. He didn't speak as he scooped her up in his arms.

He pressed his lips down against hers.

Something about him felt soothing, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He carried her as if she weighed nothing more than a feather in his arm, carrying her down to the fireplace lit bedroom.

He laid her down on the bed, his lips pressed against hers.

Lucifer stole a glance at the young woman in his bed as she slept

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Lucifer stole a glance at the young woman in his bed as she slept.

He tucked the satin sheet a little closer to her neckline before kissing her cheek. 

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