Chapter Eighteen

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Cassie laid in bed as the sun tried to break through her curtains, she could hear the murmur of voices but couldn't make out what they were saying. She didn't care, thinking it was just one her mother's many lovers that came and went from the house.

It felt weird to be waking in her own bed after spending what she could've sworn was two weeks in Lucifer's warm bed. The way she would fall asleep in his arms by the fireplace, to the way she woke alone with the fireplace still crackling.

In hell, she couldn't tell the difference by night and day except by the way she dressed.

Her double bed felt empty without him by her side, she felt her heart drop as realisation wiped over her thoughts.

Maybe she was lusting over a man she barely knew.

Cassie reached for her phone on her bedside table, she opened a text message.

Got plans for today?

She typed in Michael's phone number before sending it.

A smile spread across Cassie's lips as she received an instant reply.

Was thinking we could hang out? Without Toni.

Cassie couldn't help but laugh at Michael's words.

Don't worry, not at my house. Yours?

She didn't hesitate to send the message. She watched as a new message from Michael appeared with a smiling emoji.

Cassie stepped out of bed; she chucked her phone down on her bed before making her way out of her room.

The voices grew louder as Cassie made her way down to the kitchen.

Her jaw dropped when she noticed the side profile of the man her mother was talking to. The black hair, the sharp features, the black eyes hiding red.

Cassie's heart raced.

Lucifer caught her from the corner of his eyes, his lips formed into a sharp smile as he shifted his gaze to her.

Red burned on Cassie's cheek, she wasn't sure if it was from the thoughts she was having or the embarrassment she was suffering.

"Oh, Cassandra." Toni shifted her gaze to her daughter.

Lucifer had seen Cassie wear pyjamas before, he wasn't surprised.

"What are you doing here, Lucifer?"

"You said your mother wanted to meet me."

"Please, Toni. Mother makes me sound old."

Lucifer flicked his attention to Toni; he studied her face for a moment "Toni." He stated before turning his gaze to Cassie "You said Toni wanted to meet me."

Cassie felt her jaw lock together.

"I can see why you wanted to spend time with Lucifer. Absolute charmer." Toni was caught in Lucifer's charm.

Cassie looked at Toni "If you've hit on him, you can have him." Her hot breath let the words soak into the uncomfortable air.

Lucifer soothed the mood "Cassie, Toni and I were just talking. Nothing to worry about."

"That's what they all say." Cassie huffed as she headed back to her bedroom.

She instantly regretted telling Lucifer that her mother wanted to meet him.

"Where are you going?" Toni called out.

"To my room." Cassie slammed the bedroom door. 

Cassie grabbed her bag, chucked her phone in it

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Cassie grabbed her bag, chucked her phone in it.

She ignored the knock on the bedroom door, she ignored the door being opened as she grabbed her camera before chucking it into her bag.


"Lucifer, I don't care what excuse you have." She looked him in his red eyes "You can go back to hell, and I'll go see my friend." She grabbed her handbag and pushed past him.

"Cassie." Lucifer's voice almost begged for her attention.

Cassie turned her attention to him "Don't you even dare." She gritted her teeth. She turned her attention down the hall, towards the front door.

"Cassandra." Toni called for her daughter from the kitchen.

"I'll be back." With those three words, Cassie closed the front door. 

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