Chapter Fourteen

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Lucifer laid beside Cassie; she rested her head on his shirt covered chest. He wrapped his arms around her as he felt the warmth from her. He rested his eyes for a moment as he felt her in his arms.

Cassie felt safe in his arms even though with a man who shared the same name as the Devil, she probably shouldn't feel safe.

She closed her eyes.

Lucifer squinted his eyes as a white bright light seeped under the doorway, he looked down at Cassie

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Lucifer squinted his eyes as a white bright light seeped under the doorway, he looked down at Cassie. She looked fine as she slept.

Lucifer carefully climbed out of bed; his bare feet patted along the short walk to the bedroom door.

He opened the bedroom door, he shieled his eyes from the white bright light.

Lucifer stepped into the white bright light, closing the bedroom door behind him "Father?"

The white bright light dimmed itself lighting only just enough for Lucifer to see the outline of a male figure.

"Come walk with me, son."

Lucifer heaved his sigh as he reluctantly followed instructions "Since when does the almighty and powerful come down to visit his least favourite angel?"

The male figure stripped back his white light; a white robe covered him with a golden tasselled rope around his waist; giving him some shape around his waistline. "Son."

"Father, just cut straight to the point."

Ash fall around them as they followed the maze of rocks and doorways.

"That young woman you have in your bed."

"Cassie." Lucifer spoke her name as if truly meant something to him.

The male figure brought himself to a stop forcing Lucifer to stop by his side. The male figure studied Lucifer for a moment "You've taken lust with a mortal, something I've known you to do many times before."

Lucifer braced himself for it.

"This one seems different, isn't she?"

That question has thrown Lucifer, of course being with Cassie felt different. Lucifer knew it but he couldn't explain why.

The male figure took the silence as his answer "She's not a woman that made a deal with you nor a woman who you could use to prove your point to me."

Lucifer gave an uncomfortable smile as he breathed out a faint sound of laughter.

The male figure sensed what Lucifer refused to admit to himself "You love that woman."

Lucifer scoffed "Love? You didn't cast me out because of love. You casted me out because of hate. How dare you."

"Lucifer, I can see Cassie isn't Lilith or Eve. You're not using Cassie."

Lucifer tried to hide his top lip curl with disgust, he didn't need the male figure to prey. Lucifer felt the need to protect Cassie.

"Don't say her name." Lucifer huffed "You have no right."

"To come down here and tell you what to do. Of course not but I do."

"Of for ...." Lucifer gritted his teeth "Did you come down to tell me I'm in love? You think I hadn't figured that out? Cassie isn't afraid of me. She isn't afraid of hell. She's afraid to be alone, she's afraid to fall in love."

"And you helping her?"

Lucifer lowered his head; he wasn't sure how to answer that.

"We all have our own selfish desires as well as guilt that drives us away from it." The male figure paused for a moment "Don't break her heart."

"She won't let me." Lucifer looked up at the male figure.

The male figure clasped his hands in Lucifer's. It was as if the silence between them shared the same thought.

Lucifer had rebelled because he refused to follow orders, he had toyed with Lilith and Eve to show sin even ran through the veins of gods own creations. He stepped amongst humans as Christ was nailed to the cross to prove mankind hated harmony. He coward in fear when Christ rose again.

Satan and God played a game with the pieces being mankind. God created perfection, harmony and planned; the perfect balance while Satan was there to cause chaos revealing the true side of humanity.

Lucifer stood at the doorway, he watched as Cassie gave a small toss of her head as she slept.

A smile crept across his lips.

"Why'd you have to do this." It wasn't quite a question nor quite a statement. Lucifer wasn't sure if he was saying it to himself, God or Cassie. 

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