Chapter Nineteen

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Cassie stood on the porch of Michael's house; she had calmed down since leaving Lucifer with her mother.

She began to feel like Lucifer was betraying her. He was her dirty little secret and she made the mistake of bringing him up, she made the mistake of asking for him to meet her mother, she made the mistake of telling her mother.

Cassie sighed heavily as she turned her back on the front door, she stared out at the manicured garden.

Her and Michael were complete opposites, his family came from money while she didn't. His family had the luxury of fancy living while she didn't.

Michael never bragged about money or the struggle of having to be embarrassed by his family's wealth instead he acted like it didn't exist to him.

Cassie watched as the leaves of the trees began to gently shake with the breeze, she watched as cars began to drive past the gated property.

She would give anything to just taste the life Michael had, though with him being her friend she was allowed to have that taste for mere moments when she visited his house.

Cassie always felt out of place at Michael's home even though his family welcomed her with open arms.

She jumped a little as she heard the door open, she turned her attention to an elderly woman standing in the doorway "Olita!" Cassie beamed.

Olita wrapped her arms around Cassie "My love, we've missed you." The woman tightly embraced Cassie.

Cassie felt safe in Olita's arms.

"Grandma, are you stealing my friend again?" Michael smirked as he came down the stairs.

Olita turned her attention to Michael "I'll make her my friend if you don't marry this girl."

Cassie buried her giggles on Olita's shoulder.

"Even this girl agrees." Olita turned her attention to a flustered Cassie.

Cassie slowly rose her face to Olita; she was lost for words as she giggled.

"Olita, for Cassie and I to get married. We'd actually have to start dating."

"Why aren't the two of you dating?"

Cassie didn't want to leave Olita's embrace as the woman pestered her grandson.

Michael lowered his head for a moment, he was embarrassed at the way his grandma spoke even though she wasn't wrong "We're just friends, grandma." Michael lifted his head; he hadn't realised the heartbreak written all over Cassie's face.

Olita glanced at Cassie's face "My dear child, even if my stupid grandson won't marry you. You'll always be welcomed in this family."

Cassie's hugged Olita tightly again "Thank you." Even though she had heard Olita mention it countless times before, she loved the reminder of always being welcomed in the Alexanda family.

Cassie slowly moved her arms away from Olita, Olita reluctantly took the cue.

"Come inside from the cold." Olita held onto Cassie's hand, leading the young woman inside. "Michael, close the door."

"Yes, Grandma." Michael rolled his eyes as he closed the front door.

Olita lead Cassie towards the lounge room.

"Grandma, I was hoping it'd just be me and Cassie."

Olita turned her gaze to Michael "You can join us; I know the two of you won't be doing anything."

"Olita, as much as I love seeing you." Cassie confidently spoke the truth "Michael and I haven't seen each other in six months, and I'd really love to catch up."

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