Chapter Twenty-Two

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Cassie felt the sun break through in Michael's room as she slowly opened her eyes. She stretched out in the bed as she laid alone.

She dropped her gaze to her bag as she listened to the sounds outside the bedroom.

The house seemed silent.

Cassie wasn't surprised or concerned, she had been to Michael's house enough times to know how normal the silence was.

She slowly climbed out of bed, slowly made her way downstairs.

"Morning, Olita." Cassie brushed her hair away from her face.

"Cassie, my love." Olita wiped her hands on a tea towel, turning her attention away from the mess of flour of the kitchen bench. She faced Cassie "Sleep well?"

Cassie nodded slightly as she lied.

"Look at your hair, sweetie. I'll get you a brush and do your hair."

"Olita, you don't have too."

"My love."

Cassie didn't argue with Olita, she knew better than to.

Olita disappeared from the kitchen for a few moments.

Cassie peeked through the kitchen fridge, trying to find something to satisfy her hunger.

"Come sit, my sweet."

Cassie closed the fridge door; she saw Olita standing by the kitchen table.

Cassie sat down on the chair; Olita stood behind Cassie as she began brushing the young woman's hair.

"My grandson should've told you sooner, he should've swept you off your feet the minute he told us about you." Olita spoke her thoughts out loud.

Cassie lowered her gaze to the kitchen table.

"The way you and Michael are, is the way I saw myself with my late husband James. We were only just kids when we meet. He had to get the approval of my father before James could sweep me off my feet. The two of us were smitten with each other." Olita sighed a little "Young love is always so complicated, once James came back we wed immediately and had our three boys."

Cassie wasn't sure what to say to Olita's words, she just allowed her mind to soak it all in.

"When we were away, did you seek another?"

Cassie's eyes drifted upwards, she stared at the kitchen bench as Olita placed down the hairbrush on the kitchen table "I'm not like my mother."

"I never said you were, my love." Olita sat down next to Cassie; she grasped the young girl's hand in hers.

Cassie looked down at her and Olita's hands.

"You're a gorgeous young woman but yesterday." Olita held back her words.

"Yesterday was just nothing." Cassie kept her gaze on their hands.

"Look at me, sweet."

Cassie rose her eyes to look into Olita's eyes.

"There is a glow to you, a glow that I hadn't seen in you before. This one is starting to burn bright." Olita softly spoke "Maybe for the love of my Michael."

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