Chapter Three

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Cassie quickly rummaged through her bag to find her go-card as the bus opened its doors up. She managed to find the go-card at the bottom of her bag as the other person stepped onto the bus, Cassie tapped her go-card "Morning" She spoke to the bus driver who didn't respond back to her.

She looked up at the near empty bus as she made her way to the back of the bus.

Cassie had been out of high school for two days, her first Monday not being forced to go to school. Her first Monday after years of knowing there was another school week to attend.

She watched as the bus drove down the street, stopping when passengers hailed for the bus. She kept her focus out the window at the back of the bus, watching the world pass her by.

The world she had grown so accustomed to seeing on her daily travels.

Cassie felt the trip drag on as it stopped and started with each passenger shuffling their way on or off the bus.

She turned her focus to the front of the bus watching carefully as it passed a bus stop, she quickly hit the stop button.

"NEXT STOP REQUESTED" spoke the automated voice.

The bus pulled up at a bus stop at the train station, Cassie followed the aisle down to the front doors of the bus "Thank you" she spoke to the driver as she tapped her go-card before stepping off the bus.

She headed towards the train station. Cassie wasn't sure where exactly she wanted to go, she just wanted to escape her house for a few hours.


Cassie tapped her go-card on the machine as the train pulled up at the station. She watched as it started to come to a halt in front of her, watching as she tried to figure out which door would stop within reach of her. She watched as the train stopped, she took a few steps forward as the train doors opened.

Several passengers stepped out before she could step on.

Cassie found a four-seater spot, she sat by the window.


Cassie allowed herself to zone out as the train operator's voice filled the train. She rested her head against the window as the train began to pull away from the station. She watched the scenery pass her by.


Cassie caught the last words of the automated voice, she quickly jumped to her feet as the train began to slow down. She took several steps over to the doors, she listened to the screech of the brakes before feeling the train come to a stop.

She pushed the button to open the doors.

Cassie carefully jumped from the edge of the train to the low train station. She looked for the exit of the underground train station before following the few passengers up the escalators and out to the exit.

Cassie tapped her go-card before trying to figure out where she should wonder down. She vaguely knew the area after spending a few hours here and there in Fortitude Valley. Cassie wondered down to the broken escalators, she walked down them to the street.

Cassie looked up and down the street.

Fortitude Valley was known for its historical buildings, some needed a dire repair while some held a mix of it's past with a modern touch.

Cassie followed the path down the right, she let the path take her on a journey. She stopped every so often to take photos with her digital camera of buildings, posters and various other artworks that were scattered throughout the area. 

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