Part Four - Clothes

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The Girl Next Door



Our hair whipped around our faces as we drove the remainder of the journey. I felt slighlty nauseas as we were travelling at a pretty high speed. Tara laughed. I didn't. We were heading to Eastland Mall since they had a Macy's department store there, and just about anything  that could have made us look fabulous. such as the JC Penneys salon. I was so buzzed up. We were just heading down Refugee Road, since I lived down Seabrook Avenue, it was the best way to get there, via Courtright Road. We could have walked to Livingston Court shopping centre and saved time and petrol money, but Tara was adamant on Eastland. I also could have gone to Bishop Hartley high school, but dad said that Bexley had a better educational system. The only reason why Josh didn't go to Bishop Hartley was because they didn't have any spaces in the classes he wanted to take. But that didn't matter.

And so we turned the last corner and Tara parked her cute little convertible. The brakes crunched like they always do and we got out grabbing our bags and jackets. I was pretty much happy about shopping with my best friend. Even though one thing hit me. How was I going to pay for my things? The shops were way expensive and I didn't get any money until next Saturday. Today was a Thursday. I panicked and almost considered running  out of the mall. But Tara grabbed a hold of my arm. 

"No. You are staying and shopping. After all, I know you want to look good for Josh." She was right I did want to impress josh. 

"But...I don't know how i'll pay...I can't...I don't..." 

"I'll pay." Tara said quickly. "That or we could steal everything...?" I glared at her. 

"I owe you." I replied giving her a thankful expression. And that moment we were prepared. I walked up to the Hershey's Ice cream stand looking at it wistfully. I could so die for a mint choc chip and vanilla ice cream, with a flake in the middle. With lots of oozy chocolate sauce. My mouth started to drool. I walked almost zombie like as I was hypnotised by the magic of the yearnful dairy dessert. 

"Come on girl. Once we got you a dress." And with that I was pulled away from my dream.  I protested but before i could even get my full arguement out I was pulled through the doors of the new york department store, Macy's.

Instantly I was faced with a million racks of clothes and accessories. Right. I thought to myself. Just one dress. That's all you need. I walked to a rack of small sparkly numbers and the first one I noticed was adorable. It was purple, kinda silky, and it had black lace over the top in a delicate floral pattern. It was almost backless and it came halway up my thigh. There weren't any sleeves. I picked it up and examined it at the mirror behind me lifting the hanger up to my neck. It seemed to suit my pale complexion. My blue eyes seemed to be accentuated with the darker colours. My brown hair adding a more sophisticated style to it. I loved it almost instantly. But there was just one problem...the price. I couldn't have Tara fork out a fortune just for my benefit. I glanced. phew. It was half price at $53.99. It was still pretty bad but at least she didn't have to pay full.

"Ooooh!" I heard Tara squeal. I turned around to see her face contorted into an expression of ecstacy. She had a huge grin on her face. "Go try it on." I obeyed and she followed. Like a puppy dog. I was let into the fitting rooms, and I grabbed the first available cubicle. Quickly I shouldered off my jumpsuit and slipped the dress on. It hugged at what little curves I  had so that I didn't look so lanky. It definately done a few assets about myself a good deal of justice, and the overall shape made my legs look a little longer. I was pretty much in love with the dress. I was bound to get some attention at the party. I left to show Tara. she practically peed herself she was so thrilled. Luckily, she didn't. 

"I have to get you that thing, you will make Janee look like a sack of potatoes" Tara yelled. 

"Yeah...but it costs like...fifty four dollars..." I sighed to make me sound more of a good friend. 

"I don't care!" Tara grabbed me and shook me. "You have to rock the party cuz it's your time to shine. Now take that off, get changed and bring it here so I can pay." I went back into the changing rooms. I got back into my original outfit. when I handed my friend the dress she seemed to be in a transic state. She was zoned out. Her eyes looked all blank. Her mouth was neither a smile nor a frown. 

"I have it all planned out...silver shoes, a little pendant necklace, from Rogers jewelers, they do the best stuff. And then we go down to the salon and get our hair and nails done." Tara said absolutely beaming from ear to ear. I giggled. 

"And ice cream." I mentioned. and I dragged Tara off to the checkout.

We had to wait in the queue for a little while because it was fairly busy, but we didn't  mind. Tara and I made a master mind plan to make Josh mine. It was called operation JAGUAR. Tara though of it. It was like a code name, a code name for "Josh and Gabrielle Under  Absolute Romance". I blushed as Tara said it. I did kind of like Josh, but I didn't care  whether or not we dated...did I? I barely knew him, even though we lived next door. But I still liked the thought, of being under absolute romance. A few older people stared at us with grudging looks as we giggled about it all, but the  Macy's people just looked on, we were paying customers, if they kicked us out they wouldn't get as much of a profit. Eventually we payed. Tara used her American Express platinum card. It was debit so she could only use her own money, but it wasn't like she had a small budget. Her parents could afford to give her good stuff; including a healthy bank account. To be honest I was kind of  jealous. Whenever I brought this up with my aunt she would say "Money is the root to all evil". She was highly christian and quoted things as much as possible. It was annoying at times but I respected it. 

We were given the bag. A black paperey bag, shaped into a little trapezium thingy. It had a golden "Macy's" logo on it. Tara handed it to me. My first huge brand bag. There was some thing thrilling about it. Sophisticated. No wonder Tara liked shopping so much.

"Let's go get you that darn ice cream." Tara said. "It may be carbs but it is total lush."

I very much looked forward to it.


Author's Note:

Sorry that this was out late. I had school because it's compulsory, and when I got home the internet wouldn't work properly. And then I had to wait for like...five hours to get back on when it worked again. But Glee was on, and I didn't want to miss it.

Surley you know the drill...Please vote, comment, become a fan, tell your friends, whatever. Tell me about your stories...yeah.

So the next upload should be out on the 6th of April 2011. Between 5:00 P.M and 10:00 P.M so keep a look out.


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