Part Five - Panics

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The Girl Next Door



We had eaten our ice creams and I was absolutely happy. Tara still insisted that we went to the salon. I didn't usually primp myself, but I felt like it, so I tagged along with Tara, carrying the few bags I owned. We entered and everyone gave Tara a wave and a smile. She got chatting to them, leaving me to sit on an armchair waiting for them to finish. Tara must be a regular customer. No wonder she was always perfectly beautified. 

"Right. I want hair, and a facial, spray tans, just a shade or two darker, I also want nails and a massage." She demanded kindly. I figured we were going to be there a long time. And we were. I was lead into a room where all the hair and make up sort of things happened. At that one seat that I was put at I had one person on my hair, another on my nails, the last was doing me facial mask. I was looking forward to the outcome of such luxurious pampering.

I closed my eyes. Enjoying the fuss about me. Except maybe it was too much fuss. Was I so ugly that they had to everything to me? Was I a beauty disaster? I pushed those thoughts  back as I felt the nail paint brush on my finger tips. They were only doing there job, and Tara told them do it. It wasn't their fault. I felt hands rub into my scalp working on my hair. The product felt light and fluffy, I guessed it was mousse of some sort. But, when I looked at the box, it was hair dye. It was a deep chocolatey colour which was totally different from my ash coloured hair. It was a foam dye that apparently had 100% coverage. I let them  work. I really did want to impress Josh. I closed my eyes once again and drifted off into a  little doze.

When I woke up I looked beautiful, that wasn't even the end yet. A cap was shoved onto my head and I was pushed into a little room. It was time for the spray tan. It was a sort of golden tan. The sort that I got when I stayed out in the sun for three weeks. There was no way I could pass this off as my own homemade tan. We didn't even have three days of sunshine yet. But I shrugged and stuck my arms out, covered in naught but a simple strapless bra and my panties. The spray tickled as it made contact with my skin, and I squished my stomach in but after a few seconds it felt alright and I let myself breathe. The assistant covered me almost completely. Including my feet and arm pits. They tickled the most. Eventually I was all bronzed up. and I could put my clothes on. So I did. I also had to have my hair styled. Tara insisted since she asked for it and she said that I would suit a fringe. I reluctantly  agreed. 

My hair was tugged and twisted into lots of different shapes. Some of it got chopped and  trimmed but they let me keep my long chocolate curls. They curled it a little more making the waves more elegant and eye popping. The fringe cut off just above the eyebrow. The  colour contrasted with my skin making me look like I came from Greece, not the lonely state of Ohio. Lip gloss was put onto my lips, a pretty sort of cappucino colour. and a slither of bronzey gold eyeshadow. Blusher, mascara kohl, the works were applied and I felt like I had been covered head to toe in cosmetics by the time they finished.

I went to look in the mirror. When I caught a hold of my reflection I couldn't recognise  myself. I looked hard at what I was. My crystal blue eyes popped against the hair and skin. They also looked a lot bigger like they covered half of my head. I looked healthier than I did when I went in. I couldn't see my spots and blemishes. And after the massage I felt like all of my stress had been rubbed out of my system therefore I felt a lot happier too. I smiled. My teeth needed a little work but that was absolutely fine. It wasnt anything a  whitening toothpaste couldn't fix. 

"Oh my gosh...that. Is gorgeous." Tara beamed. I blushed and complimented her back. She had caramel colour put into her hair and she had a healthy glow. We pretty much looked amazing. 

"How long until it wears off?" I asked. 

"About three to five days. It won't start to wear until approximately 43 hours after appliance. The hair will last about three months but get the fringe snipped every month. The make up will need to be reapplied in about three hours so you can buy the products if you wish." They reprted back. 

"Please!" Tara snapped without haste. They put them in a cute little purple plastic bag with  silver details. We smiled and left. I was totally coming back more often.

Tara and I were giggling our way to the shoe shop, we were chatting about school. And what our resolutions were going to be for the new semester. I smiled. A twinkle lighting up in my  eyes. I giggled, blushing and I said three words. 

"To date Josh." We bust out in laughs. and I wanted to collapse on the floor, partly because I knew that it would be almost impossible, he was a jock I was just little miss nerd. Infact I was probably going to be valedictorian in senior year or something equally  dorky. We also laughed partly because the way I said it sounded like it was definately going to happen. 

"Well it's a good thing we have operation JAGUAR." Tara smirked. "Speak of the devil..." 

"HIDE!" I yelled. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the nearest shop, I was running as fast as I could, Tara was just skipping. I rolled my eyes and pushed her into the closest shop. It was a little clothes store. We both started staring intently at the first object we saw. It was all baby-gros and little booties and things like that. If Josh saw me in here he would probably judge me and never want to talk to me again." I swivelled around to check. Phew. Nada. 

"If you want to date Josh...why are you avoiding him?" 

"Because I don't want him to see my new makeover." I squealed. "Not until the party" 

"Aaah, the element of surprise." My friend said like she was the wisest person in the whole world. "When he sees how fabby you look in the dress and with your new hair, you will end up being irresistible, he won't be able to take his eyes off you. You will be on his mind all day and night until he just has to grab you by the waist and pull you into a deep romantic kiss." 

"Shut up Tara. It's not like you have had a boyfriend." 

"True that. But my mother has had suitors a plenty." Tara had a single mum. They got divorced when she was only three years old, mostly because her mum found out he was cheating on her, and that they too had a child. She has dated a lot of men since, trying to find Mr. Right. But her prince charming hadn't knocked on the door yet. This made Tara's mum, Rachel, very very knowledgeable and wise about guys. If me or Tara needed any advise in our lives, she would be the one we called upon.

We left the shop chuckling about how panicked I was about Josh, and how I acted like a total nerd.  

"Oh god. If I see him again today i'm gonna..." Bam. I walked staright into something, I fell flat on my bum. I looked up to see what had obscured my path. There infront of me was a pair of golden legs. Which were attatched to a buff torso, and a face with blonde hair and green eyes the colour of the brightest summer leaves. I blushed and picked myself off the floor. 

"If you see me again you're going to do...what?" 

"Oh..urr...ah...I going to do, do...absolutely nothing, because what would I need to do, you haven't done anything to me, besides well, no, I walked into you. stupid me...uh...BYE!" I ran off avoiding Josh, I had suddenly looked like a fool, if he had seen me run away like he was a monster, I would have only accentuated it. Brilliant. Tara ran after me.

Why did I have to do that?


Author's Note: 

Right, I realised that I said "between 5 P.M and 10 P.M " on my last update, apologising that it was late. But let me explain, that was in Britsh time, since I live in England. So if you would like to find out the time difference for wherever you live you can then catch the update ASAP. So sorry I looked like a fool.

The next update will be up on the 8th of April 2011, that's a Friday...between 5 P.M and 10 P.M (British Time)

Well please comment, vote, add this book to your library, tell your friends, tell me about your stories, become a fan of me, or maybe tell me about any gramatical errors I made, or give me improvements. I'm not begging for any of this, you don't have to. But it would make my day that tad bit better. But you don't have to.


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