Part Nine - Burgers

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The Girl Next Door



The rest of school was boring as usual. I could never get my head around the subjects. Maths was practically my mortal enemy. I couldn't understand fractions, I couldn't work out long division. and Pythagorus theorum was just a bunch of gobble-dee-gook. So why I had to have this lesson was beyond me. I just sat at the back, in the corner doodling in my book. We had a text book to work from. Everyone was working really hard and i could hear a few people groan. I guessed that their brain hurt as much as mine. But what I didn't get at all was why people were killing their brain cells to work out a question when the anwers were in the back. I looked around the room to see if anyone was looking. The teacher, who was roughly fourty-ish years old with a balding head and a sweaty back, was looking at his computer typing away. I guessed he was replying e-mails. I just couldn't picture him using facebook chat. I turned to the back and quickly jotted down the answers. It was all a scribbly scrawly mess but at least I looked like I had done my work. He couldn't tell me  off if there was no hard evidence. Once I had copied out the answers, getting one or two wrong on purpose so that it was more realistic I sat back and relaxed. I put in my earphones and listened to my Ipod. Jack Penate's "Tonight's Today" blasted out into my ears. I nodded along slowly and in small gestures so as not to give my game away. I stayed in my own little world until the bell rand for lunch. Where I rushed out to meet Tara. 

"Hey Gabby. They have burgers today." She squealed as I joined her. 

"Yes! What a way to start off the new school year. Everyone is going to be queuing for hours now." I mused happily. 

"Well at least they will get a profit and do burgers more least I hope so." Tara was practically jumping up and down for joy. 

"Have you eaten anything today Tara? You're as bouncy as a gerbil on a bungee cord." I said. Tara giggled and stopped jiggling about. Good.

We were in the queue for what seemed like days. Just as we thought we were nearing the front some idiotic moron and a bunch of their pathetic mates would push past and send us backwards. Eveytime this happened steam was practically coming out of my ears. my blood boiled and I clenched my fists up. But I didn't do anything because I wasn't going to let myself get into trouble. Tara was still suggesting things to do while I was at her house for the evening. I nodded along not really paying attention. When was she going to suggest prank calls and ordering pizza? That was the top of my list every time. 

"How about pizza?" I asked getting bored of half listening. 

"Yeah! We could totally make them ourselves." Tara said. I'll text mum to get the ingredients and it will be so much fun." I had never really made a pizza before, but it sounded like it was going to be messy and fun. Why not? Since it wasn't my house I didn't have to clean it up. I hoped. We finally got to the front of the queue. Tara looked at the tray of burgers. She looked at me, frowning. This did not look good. I waited for the bad news. 

"There's only one burger left." She declared in a really dismayed voice. 

"Well, we will have the burger, and a bag of chips and we will go split in half." I said ordering the food. That perked up Tara a huge amount. We payed our share. Seventy five cents each for the burger, fifty cents for the chips each. The prices were a total rip off but the chips and totally un-healthy stuff was the only food in the cafeteria that didn't look like it had mouldy cat vomit chucked on top of it. We sat down and ate our food contempt with our selves. We had gotten the last burger of the day and it felt like a huge accomplishment. We sat idly chit-chatting about anything and everything. It felt nice to catch up with my best friend after a couple of months not talking to each other. Which was admittedly my fault. She had called and texted a number of times, but I ignored them.

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