Part Twelve - Dinners

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The Girl Next Door



So we continued walking home talking about our favourite music, our favourite food. Whatever just came into mind. I forgot that it was raining as we walked along. But it didn't seem to matter at the moment. I was having fun. I forgot about every worry with Josh and I just let myself go. I felt free. 

"So are you joining a team?" 

"I told you, i'll think about it, i'm not vwry good at sports." 

"Okay." We stopped outside our houses. I smiled. 

"I had fun today. Good luck with the football." I walked into my house. Nothing was going to happen anyway. I greeted mom. I heard her feet come running down the stairs. Why was she so thrilled to hear my voice? She thudded down the stairs like a galloping horse. I was contemplating whether or not to run away incase she knocked me over but she stopped just infront of me. Her eyes somehow looked relieved. 

"Why didn't you tell me where you were missy?!" She babbled "We thought you were kidnapped you were gone for so long. Why didn't you call?" 

"Mom, i'm fine I was with Tara and Josh. I sent you a text." 

"They are a bad example for you, you know that?" 

"I just told you, I sent you a text." She pulled her phone out of her pocket, and she looked at the screen. She read it out loud. I smirked at her as she frowned. I had defeated her. Yet she looked like she didn't want to be defeated. 

"Coulda called to tell me you sent a text." 

"Usually that little ring alerts you for me." Haha. I had won. I could not be beaten. I walked into the kitchen. Dad was stood at the stove stiring around in a pan. I could smell the noodly aroma and beef scent. I suddenly felt hungry yet again. Dad was such a good cook. He could make you hungry just by telling you what the meal would be. I watched for a minute as he added soy sauce to the bubbling concoction. I left the kitchen so not as to get tempted to eat all of the cooking. I made my way into the living room. Mum was sat on the big arm chair reading a magazine. I wasn't interested. I flopped onto the sofa and started flicking through the channels. There was seriously no good TV. Mum looked up from her magazine annoyed at my idle flicking. 

"Don't you have homework to be getting on with?...Oh my gosh, Gabby you're soaking wet!" 

"Mom i'm fine." 

"You didn't have a coat, you're going to get hypothermia! Go get dry and change your clohtes've soaked the sofa as well! Gabby. What are we going to do with you?" I looked at mom and laughed. She was such a worry guts. It was just a little bit of rain. I smiled at her. Her face really was a classic. Eyebrows furrowed. a slight frown and a panicked expression glazed across her eyes. I kind of laughed and reassured her that I would not get some sort of disease. But I did go to get changed. My jeans were so wet they clung to my legs and felt uncomfortable. I ran up the stairs two at a time to get back downstairs quickly.

I swung open my bedroom door. I heard it clas against the wall. I went up to my wardrobe to find some dry comfy clothes. In the end I settled for a pair of grey cotton tracksuit trousers and my superman tee-shirt. It was an ultra comfy outfit. I also decided to blow dry my hair to get less wet and to heat up a bit too. I grabbed the dryer and ran it through my hair. It all flicked out like the top model photo shoots. The warm air felt great on my face and neck. I closed my eyes enjoying the heat. I opened my eyes once my hair was dry. I looked in the mirror. My hair had turned into a massive ball of frizz. I grabbed the hairbrush and tacked my way through the frizz and tangles. It was still pretty bad so in the end I pulled it up into a ponytail. I felt really comfy now. Dad called for tea. Yes! I thought. I can't wait to eat. I flew down the stairs. I jumped the last five but I bashed my elbow against the banister. I screamed in pain. Mum came rushing up. 

"Did a bear attack you?" She asked 

"No our house? You must be crazy to think that. I just bashed my elbow." I felt my whole arm go numb from the pain. I felt compelled to giggle. I walked past mum into the kitchen clutching onto my elbow. The table was set up for us. Clean glasses, table mats everything. Mom was such a perfectionist. I sat at my seat. Ignoring my elbow. I sat down looking forward to the dinner. Beef stir fry was my favourite. I was sure i was going to burst.

why did i have to eat so much KFC?


Author's Note:

Sorry this is so short but I can't concentrate I have to revise for my exams and my friends house just got burned down. So I can't do anything. but I still had to post  something because I promised.

You know what to do

next post is on the 22nd of April 2011 betewwn 5 and 10 P.M it will be extra long to make up for it. sorry guys.

thank you

P.S. this chapter is dedicated to my twitter buddy @laaldrick. I hope you and your family are going to be ok. KEEP HOLDING ON!!!! xxx :(

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