Part Eight - Teachers

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The Girl Next Door.



I didn't see Josh much for the rest of the summer. I only ever caught him once or twice when I was walking down the street, or when we were in the same place. Such as the park or the mall. But we never stopped to talk. We would just smile awkwardly and continue with our lives. There were two weeks when we didn't see each other at all and I couldn't bear it. It would play on my mind every night. I wouldn't be able to sleep because I would think about it too much. There would be a day when I thought he never liked me in the first place, that the kiss that felt so magical meant nothing to him. That everything was just a mistake. And I couldn't take it. Tara would come round my house and my mind would be diverted. At least for an hour or two. Then I would go back to the wondering and thinking. Slowly the  fireworks, that went off when we kissed, turned into nothing more than a candle that was slowly drowning in the wax. There was a day when I wouldn't eat anything. Then the next day all I would do was eat. Stuff my face with whatever contained more calories than the  advised amount. The last month and a half of holidays were torture. Mum would come in. 

"Are you alright?" She asked 

"Mmm...fine." I said pulling on a fake smile. She would leave. She never understood when I was upset. She never understood when I was happy. It's just a guy. I thought. You can get over him, there are a lot more guys in the world. Though none of them were quite like him. I was on the verge of sanity when the new school year rolled around.

I walked through those gates, pretending to smile. I was a junior now. Just two more years in high school and I was free. I could move out and go to university. I could forget about the person that caused me so much pain in July and August. I could wipe away the tears and pretend that everything never happened. But it was never as simple as that. I saw Tara. She was standing by her locker putting up new pictures and decorations. She was juggling a U.S. History book and a math book in her arm. She smiled and closed her locker. 

"What 'hunk' have you put up in your locker this year?" I asked curiously. 

"No one. It's a picture of us at Janee's party." 

"Oh. Yeah." I said healf heartedly. "The one that is also your twitter DP and your facebook picture, and your laptop back ground? The one where I have the double chin?" 

"Yes. I love it." 

"I hate it." Tara giggled. I gave a half smile. I didn't really want to talk at that moment 

in time, but I could do anything that took away my thoughts of Josh. I made sure I dressed  really nice that day. To show him what he had missed in the holiday. I wore my fave khaki vest top, but it had a cream coloured lace top over it. I wore a gold heart necklace. In a sort of hint-hint kind of way. I wore a faded blue mini skirt and my favourite pair of brown cow girl style boots. My hair was put into small curls and I wore a light pink lip gloss. In my opinion I looked brilliant. But I forgot everything when I saw who had walked through the doors. My heart skipped a beat. The slowly diminishing candle regenerated back into the florescent fireworks that i first had with him. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was ruffled up and messy, but he still looked like god despite all of that. Why did he have to be so darn hot? 

"Hey...Gab. Could we talk after history." He said to me. His voice was husky and deep, yet  it still sounded like a symphony. Butterflies swirled around in my stomach and my brain turned to mush. 

"Sure." I said positively. "That's cool." 

"Cool." He walked away walking next to Oscar. I sighed. He was just too perfect.

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