Part 3

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A/N "There is a time skip and the attack the villain plan went bye bye they just wanted to kidnap Deku" 

It was the final day of camp and Aizawa was looking for Hayami "Has anyone seen Hayami" He asked.

"No we've been looking for her as well it seems like she just disappeared" Iida responded a bit worried.

Hayami however was perfectly fine she was sitting alone in a small clearing sitting down on the warm green grass at top the hill in the clearing listening to the soft breeze of the wind as the sun's radiating heat warmed her skin all she was at peace for the first time in a while "those heroes are so full of drama" she said to herself as she sees Kota.

"Why haven't you friends attacked the camp yet" he asked.

"they bailed on it and also i'm adopted now because i got caught after falling out of the tree i was in" She then replied to his question.

"No way you falling out of a tree what did they all stare at you or something" Kota then asked smiling a little.

"That is what exactly happened and i wouldn't have fallen if i had paid attention" Hayami the responded she actually kind of liked this kid but they conversation was cut short as Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya came through the treeline.

"Oh look Kota found her" Uraraka said making them look towards them.

"Oh no it's the wanna be heroes" He said getting Hayami's attention.

"Listen you can say that about those two but The broccoli head is a actual good hero" She said quietly in his ear.

"How so" Kota asked suspiciously 

"I'll tell you later" she then said as they three walked up to her grabbed her by the arms and started dragging her away.

"You really  need to stop running off what if you were to get attacked" Iida said.

"I can fight back no problem jeez plus why would they attack me i don't look like a hero i look more like a villain" She then said as her outfit was very villain like but it also wasn't.

"No it looks like gangster clothes" Uraraka then commented Midoriya for some reason stared off into space muttering to himself before he decided to say something.

"Say Hayami what is your past you know before you didn't have any parents" He asked softly She was absolutely stunned no one had asked her that in years she stumbled back sliding her arms away the terror in her eyes was shown as they were wide with shock.

"It's not important you don't need to know and don't ask me again" she then said as she continued to walk holding back the terror and fear as memories start to flash in her head before she shook it off.

Upon getting back to the camp Aizawa took her away he had tested her and learned she was really intelligent enough to where she could solve almost every problem for a high school student. 

"wow you on top of everything who taught you cause i assume that you never went to school" he asked as some spying students were peaking in.

"Oh i taught myself" she lied again of course it was her father who taught her everything.

"okay anyway now i want you to design your room since Nezu has decided to make people stay in the dorms and you kind of have no money to buy things for your room" He said which she scoffed in her head as she had more money than any hero but she did as told and designed her room exactly how she wanted it after she left with him. 

After a bit Midoriya pulled her a side to talk "Hayami okay what was the whole incident about you know the one on Wednesday" he asked quietly.

"Hallucinations nothing more" she said lying to herself it wasn't just the hallucinations it was the anxiety depression and blood thirst she had along with it but it's not like she'll be with the heroes for long two days at UA and she kidnaps Midoriya only to break him.

Time skip (In UA dorms) 

Hayami was sitting on the couch after a long day of training and she did have some muscle pains she fought for 1 hour so it was only a little muscle pain but not to much but the others how ever finished training before her and was more beat than she was but "come on guys it wasn't that bad" she said trying to lighten the mood

"That is a lie it was horrible i don't know how you could keep going Hayami your like a machine that can't stop fighting" Mina commented and she wasn't wrong once Hayami started fighting she couldn't stop fighting was all she knew because of the past that haunted her if she didn't fight she would feel trapped again controlled by the world and she never wanted to feel that way again.

"I'll take that as a compliment" she says as she flips upside down to find someone standing front of her and it wasn't female but she recognized those shorts and decided to mess with him "you know this is kinda kinky" she says smirking which got him blushing as he realized and backed away.

"Awe to shy to speak lover boy" She said getting him to speak.

"I-i'm not" Midoriya said blushing trying to contain the thoughts he started to get obviously hanging around Denki and Mineta and what they kept saying started to take effect.

"Say Hayami i have a question" Uraraka spoke jumping in and he stopped blushing.

"what" Hayami replied kind of annoyed.

"What's your favorite type of music" she then asked.

"Rock music" she said.

"oooo~" Mina started "We should do karaoke" she then said going and grabbing the stuff for karaoke.

"I never agreed to this" Hayami said not moving.

"You didn't have a choice and your singing first so get your butt up there" Mina then said dragging her up to the front.

"man i can't believe i'm doing this" Hayami said as she looked for a song then started it up.

A/n "The next part you are welcome to skip as it's just the karaoke part meaning videos lyrics all that what some people would find cringe which i agree but i progresses the love Deku has for yeah"   

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