Untitled Part 11

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*No new picture sorry* 

The next day well let's just say is not ending well for the heroes or anyone for that matter as today was the Hayami was caught as the lethal villain but of course everyone then feels bad as she also says that the league was the one to spread the rumors about Midoriya of course he's forgiven them but also fell in love with being a villain. 

It was normal night for Hayami off killing while no one knew besides deku who would make out with her right after and they would have some fun in the bedroom which Hayami loved as Midoriya would treat her very well but the next morning they both woke up to things being knocked about in the basement of course she got up got dressed a little and went down seeing Bakugo, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Iida. 

"Oh my oh my seeming some new torture victims are in my basement" she said smirking as she seemed excited to finally be able to torture them. 

"Stand back you villain we will gather this evidence and show it to the heroes" Iida said plainly deku then came over behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck gently he was just in his nice jeans and a belt. 

"Babe what's going on hmm why don't you just knock them out already and tie them up" he said tiredly. 

"I want them to have a little hope they'll be rescued it always fun to watch the hope fade from their eyes" she say as she then pulls a lever that makes the four fall underground. 

They then listened to their screams before they were knocked out from the fall and soon enough Hayami goes and ties them to chairs with quirk suppressor chip in their arm before gaging them and leaving off to head to school were the rest of the class questioned where they were of course no one was going to be suspicious of Hayami and Deku well besides the rest of the class. 

So over the next few weeks was very gruesome for the four in the basement were were know covered in burns, bruises, cuts, whip marks, and mental torture  most from which was from Deku and this continued for five months where Hayami saw their hope fade and now how broken they were. 

"Well I did my job anyway so time to reveal myself i guess" Hayami then said as she untied them but grabbed Uraraka by her hair and smirked "I, Win" she said with a very amused tone before dressing in her uniform putting her mask on before teleporting to the school to which Deku had already gotten everyone outside as she was still holding Uraraka. one screamed at the sight of them. 

"What did you do to them" Mina asked not bothering about her identity. 

"Gave them a bit of torture for touching what wasn't theirs that but also for everything they have done to someone as innocent as Deku over their well no so innocent anymore which by the way I was the one that spread the rumors and it worked in my favor" Hayami then said everyone's eyes widened, and they gasped Deku was shocked but easily forgives her. 

"So i thank you for our new member that you helped to create" she said as deku goes up to her quickly grabbing her waist but of course only after kicking Bakugo in the gut.

"Deku what about Hayami" Aizawa then said soon to regret it and Hayami pulled her mask down. 

"No it's not possible" All Might then says shocked. 

"Oh but it is you guys were fools to think that me a girl you found in the forest wanted to be here i was sent to spy and eventually kill but instead I took your strongest hero and turned him into his now most splendid self you let someone so lethal in and in the end betrayed you but Aizawa why don't you join me you could live a lavish life and have a daughter by your side" She said as she did like him as a short of father since her father never cared he thought about it and he really wanted to be one that side he would finally have a daughter and not see people like these students hurt innocent people. 

"Fine" He said as he was then engulfed in the void and then came back out in villainous clothes and was next to Hayami she had won and she then left to her island were she did save many kids that needed a better home and trained them as villains. 

"don't worry about this this is more of a hidden island" she says as the kids come running up along with teens. 

"Sis Hayami how was it in musutafu" They asked. 

"It was boring to be honest not as fun when i'm here" she says hugging them in a group hug. 

from then on they all lived on the island till eventually all the kids left and they returned to the city where they reeked havoc on the streets. 

*sorry this is not what you really expected but it's been such a long time that i had forgotten the lot i had set for this one but there will most likely be other stories that will have longer lengths and more of a less cringe environment*   

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