Part 5

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The next morning when everyone woke up they didn't see Hayami which was strange so the went to her room found her bottle of pills for night terrors open and four pills missing but found her asleep peacefully before she started clutching her pillow.

Aizawa then walk in and noticed "Not another one you know what Midoriya you get to stay and help her the hugs from males is more comforting that to a female" he said.

"But sir they separate the boys and girls for a reason we shouldn't be disregard-" Iida said but what was cut off.

"I'm taking care of my daughter so back off boy" Aizawa said a bit mad but Uraraka however was jealous so jealous she took Hayami's anxiety annuitants.

Deku then went got changed then came back as everyone was gone and he went in and he sat next to her on the bed moving the hair out of her face.

He gave a slight smile but then caught himself "what am i doing i need to regain focus maybe when she wakes up she'll be hungry i guess i'll go make some food" he said as he then left the room while Hayami laid there having another night terror 

' "STOP PLEASE IT HURTS AAAHH" she was screaming and crying. "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BITCH" the asylum's doctor said as they continued to torture her cutting her injecting things into her blood before she was put in solitary confinements with restraints that had spikes that dug into her skin as  to keep her from getting up or moving as she saw things demons the whispered things ' 

As it stopped she jolted awake sweat coming down her faces and tears threatening to escape she then went to get up as Midoriya then came in "Oh i didn't realize you were awake another night terror" he asked softly she nodded and then fully got up being in shorts and a tank top as she Midoriya blushed and looked away freaking out in his mind.

"Where are the others" Hayami said as she grabbed some things as she needed a shower.

"Class Aizawa told me to take care of you though i don't know why it's wrong for a male to be alone with a girl in the dorms" Midoriya said still blushing and turned around as she then came up and tapped his shoulder and he turned back around.

"Well thank you" she said before kissing him on the cheek blushing a little as she was acting strange for herself as she never really did anything like that.

She then walked away and towards the elevator and going down as she then went to the girl's showers while Midoriya stood there blushing and freaking out a girl never gave him a kiss on the cheek before and he didn't know why but he actually kind of liked it.

After she was done she met Midoriya in the kitchen where he handed her the katsudon he made which she started to eat "mmm this is delicious" she said smiling and then eating a bit faster before finishing Midoriya smiled.

"I'm glad you like it" he said as they then went and watched a movie in the common room.

Hours later it was now after school and everyone came back and upon walking in they saw Hayami and Midoriya asleep on the couch movie still playing and snacks at the side of them Hayami's head on Midoriya's shoulder she was also curled up a little while Midoriya had one arm around her waist and head on her head it was so cute.

"this is too adorable" Mina said as Aizawa then walked in and saw taking a picture and sending it to Inko saying he believed Midoriya found a crush. Uraraka however was so jealous she walked up to them and woke them up with just a tap on the shoulder. They jumped awake and looked around before seeing them tired and Hayami just going back on his shoulder falling back to sleep Midoriya blushed and went to move.

"Don't you dare move Problem child" Aizawa said and Midoriya stopped.

"She looks so adorable doesn't she plus look no night terrors" Mina said happily.

"Deku you seem uncomfortable she should get up" Uraraka said lightly tapping her and she then sat up and woke up but not fully as she then yawned and stretched before standing up Aizawa catching her before she fell before she then walked off to her room with the blanket that was on her.

The next day Hayami got up and got ready though she didn't bother to put on the uniform but she then did take her pills before grabbing her phone and headphones and playing a hyped up song which she started to slightly dance to but stopped as she walked out it was now the spring break so she was leaving.

"where do you think your going Missy" Aizawa said.

"To my house for the break" she said.

"well you have to bring Midoriya so he can keep and eye on you" Aizawa said.

"but" she started but was cut off as he pulled Midoriya over and he already had some of his clothes and stuff he'll need.

'Damn it i was hoping to get some more cash since i got Shigaraki to bail on the other one so i could just ditch this place but for some reason thought of leaving him hurts me'  she thought to herself.

"okay have fun you two" he said pushing them out the door before Hayami started to walk away 

"w-wait up" Midoriya said chasing after her she was a fast walker.

Moments later they ended up at her house i was really nice "Okay listen don't go in the basement and don't go in my room or the attic okay" Hayami said turning to him. He was stunned at the sight of her home it was so well designed night light gray walls that ran from the living room all the way to the kitchen, dark wood cabinets and doors with black granite counters tops, high end fridge and oven, dark wood tv stand with gaming consoles and vr headsets, dark grey soft carpet with a nice soft comfortable black couch with chair and coffee table he wondered what the other rooms looked liked but he then shook his head getting out of his thoughts and gave a thumbs up. 

Hayami then went to her room.  

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