The Monastery

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*Cole's Perspective*




"Shut up, Kai," Nya growls. According to Misako we were almost at the top but I was starting to believe there wasn't an end to these stairs.

"But there's so many!"

"And you aren't even carrying Jay right now!" Skylor yells at her boyfriend. Jay was propped up between Sky and Nya currently. He hadn't even begun to wake up.

Zane was the only one that seemed fine. He was ahead of us, walking beside Misako. Not even a hair on his head was out of place.

"I see it! Oh my god I never thought this day would come!" Kai cries and begins jumping two steps at a time.

"You are all very dramatic aren't you," Misako says.

"It's in their nature," Zane informs her. I roll my eyes.

We reach the top within a few minutes. It's there we find two large wooden doors. Misako unlocks them with a key and they swing open revealing a cobblestone yard. "Bedrooms are through that door and to the right if you wanna put Jay down somewhere. Kitchen and everything else is to the left. Get comfortable. This is where you guys will be training." Skylor and Nya disappear heading toward the bedrooms. Lloyd and I immediately head for the kitchen leaving the others in the little courtyard.

As Lloyd and I snack on random bags of chips he says, "So like what are we supposed to do the rest of the day."

"I dunno. I'm enjoying what we're doing right now." Lloyd scoffs as he shoves another handful of chips in his mouth.

And that's pretty much what we did. Misako wasn't sure what Wu wanted to teach us first so she just let us do whatever we wanted; which was eating and playing video games. It was a nice escape after the events of today. Skylor and Nya didn't join us, they spent most of the day talking with Misako. Mostly about their past. She didn't know what happened to our parents. I didn't need her to tell me about my mom. She had been battling cancer for years. It wasn't until I was four that she finally lost. She made it five years past was she was supposed to live. Maybe her elemental powers helped her live longer.

I jump when my phone goes off. It's Seliel.

Seliel: Hey. Are you okay?
Me: I'm fine. I'm surprised you're talking to me.
Seliel: I still care about you, Cole. That's not gonna change. This is a just a little setback in your popularity.
Me: I care about you a lot too. And for what it's worth I would never hurt you.
Seliel: I know you wouldn't. Btw everyone's talking about how we're gonna lose the football game with you and Kai gone.
Me: Really? That's what they're focused on?
Seliel: Well I mean, sort of. They talk about it in between the conversations of your powers.
Me: Figures
Seliel: You can't blame them. I didn't even believe anyone at first until I saw the burn marks that Jay and Kai left. Is it true Kai attacked Jay? And then Nya like shot water out of her hand?
Me: Yup
Seliel: And then Jay electrocuted everyone?
Me: He didn't mean to. It's been a long day.
Seliel: Yeah. They all sound dangerous. They can't even control their powers.
Me: It's not their fault. Kai and Nya didn't even know they had powers. None of us did.
Seliel: I know. I'm sorry. I'm not sure where you are but I want to see you soon.
Me: I'll have to get back to you on that.
Seliel: I figured. I have to go. Bye. Hopefully see you soon.
Me: Hopefully. Bye.

I turn off my phone and set it down. I didn't want to see anybody outside from the group at the monastery. I didn't want to hurt anybody.



"Your turn."

"Right sorry." I take the controller from Kai and begin playing. At least when we have a game on it's hard to think about anything but the game. We're okay. For now.

*Nya's Perspective*

I lean against the island in the kitchen, tapping my foot. How could the guys just play video games all day? Jay was still unconscious. Skylor was trying to find out about her mom. And we turned our entire school against us.

"Nya, there's not much about your parents after they left to have you and Kai. But I did find this picture." Misako hands me an old worn down photo. It's the four of us. I'm still a baby, held by my mother. Kai stands in front of our parents, a huge goofy grin on his face. We all look so happy.

"Thank you," I tell her. She smiles softly and gives my arm a reassuring squeeze. "Do you mind telling me what happened to Jay this morning. He seemed really freaked out."

She frowns. "I should hold off. Maybe Jay should tell you when he's ready."

"We don't know when he's gonna wake up and I can't stop worrying about him. Not to mention my brother tried to beat him up this morning thanks to me."

She sighs. "Okay. Jay's mother, Libby, was the Master of Lightning. Her boyfriend was Cliff Gordon. She accidentally got pregnant but wasn't ready to leave the Elemental Protectors, and it wasn't a good time. She didn't have much money, Cliff didn't want the kid, and she wasn't safe with all the enemies she'd made. So she gave him up for adoption."

"Ed and Edna aren't his real parents?" I loved his parents, well, adoptive parents. They were like the parents I never had.

"No. They're not."

"So his real name is Jay Gordon?" She nods. "Thank you for telling me."

"Of course. I'm here for you, Nya. A lot was put on you today and it's understandable to be confused."

I straighten and smile. "Thank you. For everything. I'm gonna check on Jay."

"Okay. I'll begin making dinner."

As I walk past the living room I see Skylor asleep on the couch with her head in my brothers lap. Cole and Lloyd are sitting on the floor playing video games. Zane has his backpack open and he appears to be doing homework. If you didn't know any better it'd look like we were just hanging out on a Friday night.

I go to the bedroom we put Jay in and open the door. He's still passed out. His hand that has the vengestone on it is hanging off the edge of the bed. I step closer and tuck it back against his side. "I'm sorry, Jay. I wish we could have a do over of today. This all started because of me. I mess a lot of stuff up don't I?" I laugh but theres no humor to it. "I'm lucky I have you. And Kai, Cole, Skylor, Zane, Lloyd. I need you guys. Especially after today. We're a team now. A team of elemental masters."

He makes a small noise and for a second I'm afraid he's awake but it was just simply a little groan.

I sit at the end of the bed and open my phone. My thumb slips and my phone screen swipes to the right. The top news story catches my eye. Local High School Students Attack. I click on the video attached and it shows Kai shooting his fire and then me with the water. The video switches to Jay electrocuting everyone. This would not end well. I continue reading the article. Most of its just stupid things and people making stuff up. But then I get to one part that catches my attention. It's talking about how the Mayor is debating whether or not it is safe to let us be free. I turn off my phone and bury my face in my hands.

"What are we gonna do Jay?" I whisper.

Unsurprisingly, he doesn't respond.

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