Best Rescue Ever

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*Nya's Perspective*

"Hey! HEY!!" Still no response. I groan and lean again the wall they chained me to. The whole night was one big blur. I don't even remember how we got here. I don't know if they drugged me or something but I woke up and I was here. Now they didn't even have the decency to talk to me or explain anything. Normally if you take some captive, you at least question them.

"Assholes!" I scream. Did they take my friends too? Or just me. But why? None of this made sense. "Hello?! Someone get their ass in here!" Still nothing. "Hey! Dipshits! Hey! Ahhh!"

The pain is everywhere at once, tearing through every inch of my body. "Please!! Stop! PLEASE!!! HELP!!!" It doesn't stop. My legs give out on me. I fall forward, my arms are pulled back behind me adding to the pain. I can't even think. "Jay," I groan. Where are you?

*Skylor's Perspective*

"I'm bored."

"Jay, shut up," I whisper through my communication device.

I glance across the alleyway to the opposite building. Kai waves at me. I shake my head and look back down at Seliel. She's been standing in this alleyway for ten minutes, just pacing around on her phone. We'd followed her back to Ninjago city, somehow she hasn't noticed us at all.

"Seriously, what if she's texting them what she found out and then she just goes home. Then all of this would be for nothing and we'd be no closer to finding Nya then we were before."

"Jay, don't make me come over there and-"

"Boys please. If she hears us I'm gonna kill both of you." I'm met with radio silence.

"If you are all done threatening each other, Seliel's moving," Zane's voice comes through.

I perk up and lean over the edge of the building slightly. She starts off at a walk but moves to a jog once she reaches the main road.

"Okay gang, let's move out."

"Jay," Kai, Cole, Lloyd and I say at the same time.

"Sorry. Shutting up now."

I back up and start running to jump the alleyway. Turns out jumping across buildings was a lot more fun than it sounds. And we were all fairly good at it. I catch up to them quickly, Jay and Kai leading the way.

"Jay, security cameras!" Kai yells mid jump. Jay fires a bolt of lighting at a nearby street light. The tiny camera's light turns off.

"That fried the whole system, so we should be-"

"Left!" Zane yells. We all slide to a halt before taking off to the left. I glance down for a brief second to check on Seliel. She's heading to the sketchy part of town, keeping her pace well.

Lloyd stumbles beside me. I grab his arm and pull him up. "Thanks," he says, between breaths. I nod, saving my air.

The chase goes on for at least another ten minutes. I feel my calves and quads burning with every step. I might've pulled something on one of the last jumps.

"Shit!" Kai grabs the back of my gi as I reach for Jay's to prevent us from flying right over the edge of the building. "Sorry," I whisper to Jay.

"It's fine. Where'd Seliel go?" I look down. She's gone. "Crap. Well this is just great! Now we really did do this for nothing! How are we supposed to find Nya now?!"

"Maybe by going through that door?" Zane asks pointing down to the entrance of a warehouse. The door clicks shut just as I see it.

"Oh. Heh, thanks Zane."

We jump down the fire escape and run to the door. "On three okay?" Lloyd says. We draw our weapons and get into our preferred fighting stances. "One. Two. Three!" Lloyd shoves the door open and we all jump through. "What the hell!? Why is it empty?!"

"There!" Kai yells. We follow him to a latch in the floor. "Okay. This better be it." I crouch down as he opens it. "Ladies first."

"Aw thanks." I ready my daggers and jump down. "Holy-"

"Say another word, and I'll slice that beautiful head clean off." My mind can barely comprehend what's happening. There must be at least a dozen people surrounding me, all with weapons positioned at my neck. I don't turn to look as I hear someone jump down beside me.

Someone grabs my gi and pulls me away from the entrance. I don't try to warm my friends. A dead Skylor isn't very good at rescuing people. I hear Jay say something, I ignore him.

These people are dressed in all black, and the weapons they carry are certainly not for decoration. They grab my arms, take my weapons, and put vengestone handcuffs around my wrists. They do this to my friends too before taking us down a series of hallways. The farther we go the older everything gets.

I really want to punch one of these guys. We didn't even get a chance to fight them and now we're their captives. We had trained so hard just for this moment and we'd failed. It all ended so quickly. All this anticipation for nothing.

"Skylor!? Kai! Jay!" My head shoots up.

"Nya!" We all scream. She's locked in a cell. Her arms and feet are chained to the wall. She can move around but not much. I have a feeling we'll be facing the same fate.

We're each taken to a different cell. What worries me is the amount of extra cells. Are there people in there? Were there?

"Nya are you okay!?" I yell to her.

"At the moment, yeah." I let out a sigh of relief. Hearing her voice was reassuring. She was here, and we could get out of here. We were together now. Sort of.

The guys in black leave, saying nothing.

"Hey guys?" Jay yells.

"Yes?" Zane responds. His cell is close to mine.

"This, was definitely, the best rescue ever."

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