First Day

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*Lloyds Perspective*

First day. First days aren't bad right? Except in every teenage drama ever. But this wouldn't be like those. Hopefully. I was probably just over thinking this. In eight hours I would be back home and that's it. I let out a long sigh. I just needed to stay calm.

"Lloyd. Lloyd!" My head snaps up and I meet my fathers eyes. "Are you ready?" I glance out the window. How were we already there? We just left.

"Ready as I'll ever be." My father shoots me a smile and ruffles my hair.

"I'll pick you up right here, okay?" I nodded to him as I open the car door. "Do me proud son."

"I will, father. Bye." He waves as I shut the door.

I turn around. The school is massive. Every teen in Ninjago City goes to school here. The building has three floors, not even counting if there's a basement, which there probably is. I walk up the steps to the front door. Kids are mingling around the area. They do as little as glance at me as I walk past. I open the doors and step into the school. The first bell doesn't ring for another thirty minutes. I just wish I knew where the office was so I could get my schedule.

"Hey." I turn around. She was beautiful, her hair was so blond it was almost white and was tied up in a fancy bun. She wore skinny jeans and a tight fitted green shirt that brought out her eyes. Her red lips were pulled into a smile.

"Hi." I say  I mentally facepalm. My greeting was so delayed.

"Are you Lloyd?" I nod. "I'm Harumi. I'm here to show you around the school."

"Oh. Thank you." I wasn't told I'd be having someone give me a tour. She pulls a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to me.

"That's your schedule. Unfortunately, we only have eighth period together so I won't be able to help for the first seven. But if you have any questions at all just ask." I nod in thanks to her. Were all kids at this school this nice? If so, maybe the next eight months wouldn't be so bad.

Before I could say anything, a blur of red goes flying by pushing me into Harumi.

"Sorry not sorry!" They yell as they continue running.

"Kai!" Harumi screams. The guy didn't look back. "Sorry about him."

I let out a small laugh. "It's fine."

"Ready to go?"


"So first I want to show the cafeteria, it's the..."

Harumi's tour of the school was great but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when the bell rang and we went our separate ways. I look down at my schedule. First period was Math. My least favorite subject. Thanks to Harumi's tour, I found the math hallway on the second floor.

I carefully choose a seat in the back of the class, expecting no one to come back here. Boy was I mistaken. A group of five entered the room and sat around me. I instantly wanted to move. I had obviously sat in the middle of their normal seats.

"No, Zane, it's just an expression," a kid in blue said sitting on my right.

"Oh. I understand now," the kid named Zane replied. His hair was blond and styled so it stood straight. He sat in front of the kid in blue.

The boy sitting on my left had dark hair. He leaned forward in his seat to speak to his friends. "Okay, my dads on another tour, so you know what that means. This Friday, what do you think."

A girl with red hair sitting in a high ponytail shrugged. "I don't see why not. I mean, it's not like I have anything better to do then hang out with you losers."

"Hey!" The other girl cried.

"Right. Losers, excluding Nya." The girls fist bumped. "Hey, speaking of, has anyone seen my loser of a boyfriend?"

Zane nodded. "At approximately eight sixteen this morning he ran down the hall. I do not think he saw me, for he did not stop to say hello."

The kid in blue scoffed. "Yeah, sure buddy."

The one minute warning bell rang. "I would be worried," Nya said. "But I don't think he's ever been on time to first period." They broke off into side conversations. I tried not to listen to them so I focused on drawing a small sketch on my notebook.

"I'm here! I'm here!" The kid in red that bumped into me this morning suddenly ran through the door. What was his name again, Kam? Caillou? He stopped by the red heads desk and quickly gave her a kiss.

"Kai, what were you doing this morning that included running through the halls?" Zane asked him. Oh, right, Kai.

"You're not going to believe this. During practice this morning, coach let it slip that there's a field trip coming up for twenty exclusive students. They get to be gone for two weeks. Two weeks of travelling Ninjago, no school, no work, no homework. I don't care how, but we're going on that trip."

"Oh. Yes. I have heard that too," Zane told them. "Apparently the school made a contract with a touring company. They're calling this trip, a once of a lifetime learning opportunity. They'll be so many historical sites, and museums. Personally, I can't wait to go."

The red head groaned. "You ruined it Zane. You know I'm a sucker for business, not history."

"Don't worry Skylor, you and I can just sneak off," Kai said with a wink.

"Kai! Find a seat!" The teacher yelled from the front. Kai glanced at me then left to go sit on the others side of the kid in blue. I must've been in his seat. "Everyone, please welcome Lloyd. He'll be joining us the rest of the year."

A few kids waved, others just nodded, most of them didn't even look back. Class dragged on slowly. The most interesting thing was the kid in blue kept talking. Like non stop. It was fine though, I enjoyed it. I finally learned his name when Nya turned around and told him to shut up.

I knew it was only the first period, but I was already looking forward to this year.

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