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*Misako's Perspective*

I push past all the students to get to Wu's office. The football game is tonight so the students are extra hyper. Sometimes I wish he hadn't become principal and just opened a tea shop instead. I finally get to his office and push the door open.

"Wu!" He stands from his chair quickly as I shut the door. "Jay's in danger. Now that we know he has elemental powers I think they might try and hurt him."

He nods in agreement. "What do you suggest we do?" he asks.

"I think we should train him. He needs to be able to fight back and control his powers."

"I couldn't agree more, Misako. We'll need a place to train him. We must figure that out before we tell him." I nod and turn to leave. "Keep an extra eye on Kai Smith. I can sense his fire awakening."

*Skylor's Perspective*

It's been nearly two weeks since the football game. Nya and I are currently out buying dinner. We decided to have a girls night while the boys were, well, being boys.

"I'm thinking of joining the swim team," Nya blurts out as we sit down at a remote sushi restaurant.

"Alright. Go for it. But what spurred that on?"

"I don't know I just really want to do something, you know? And I used to do competitive swimming so I wouldn't be completely out of my element."

"Good for you. I'm too lazy to join a sports team. But I'll be in the stands for you every meet." She smiles at my words.

Someone comes to our table with our sushi. I quickly dive in after thanking them. "Hey you know that trip that some students get to go on?" I say between mouthfuls.


"Starting next week they're gonna start evaluating to see who gets to go." Nya perks up.

"That would be so fun if we all went."

"Tell me about it. I have to try and convince Kai to do his best and work hard for the next several weeks. He's smart just lazy."

Nya nods in agreement. "Yeah he's always been that way." She raises an eyebrow. "He still treating you well?"

"Yes, of course. Besides him being slightly annoying, our relationship couldn't be better. Just wish we got some more alone time honestly."

"Kai recently said something about that too. You two definitely should spend some more time, you know, without the rest of us."

I raise a brow. "Speaking of spending time alone, you and Jay seem to be doing that a lot recently." She blushes before stuffing an entire piece of sushi in her mouth. "Before school, after school, during school. You better tone it down before Kai gets mad," I mess with her.

"Well we've been working on this little invention. It's a small pirate ship that can fly with a remote control, like a drone. It's only like a foot long. But uh, yeah, we've been working on that." She shoves another piece of sushi into her mouth.

"Uh huh. And uh, during the day?"

She narrows her eyes at me. "Even before I liked him that way I enjoyed spending time with him."

"Yeah but now you enjoy it even more."

"Okay, I'm not listening to you, anymore." I smirk and continue my meal. By the time we finish it's dark and the moon is just rising. After saying quick goodbyes, Nya and I begin our separate walks to our houses.

I may be crazy, but the entire time, it feels like I'm being watched. I quicken my pace to get home. Once I am, I run upstairs to get ready for bed. Dad isn't home, no surprise there. But Clouse, our butler, is. I say a small goodnight to him to be nice, even though he creeps me out.

I'm almost completely asleep when a knock at the window sounds. I feel my chest tighten as I sit up. I grab the closest thing to me that could be a weapon, which happened to be a softball bat, and approached the window. My bedroom was on the second floor, who would go through so much effort to do this. I swing open the curtains and am met with a surprising sight. I quickly open the window. "Kai!? What? What are you doing here? You scared the shit out of me!"

Kai swings his feet through the window. "Sh. Don't want Clouse knowing I'm here."

I glare at him. "Kai," I growl.

"Sorry, sorry. But I've barely seen you recently, and I really just wanted to stop by," he's says with that ridiculously charming smile.

I raise a brow. "So were you the one watching me on the way home?"

He seems slightly taken aback and his smile falls. "What? No. Was someone following you?"

I shake my head. "No, not that I know of. Just a weird feeling." He steps closer and takes my hand.

"There better not be anyone following you. I'd have to kick their ass."

"I can kick their ass perfectly fine by myself."

"Or we could kick their ass together."

"I'll think about it."

His gorgeous smile makes a return. "You're really one in a million, Skylor." He touches his lips gently to mine. "I mean it. I can't believe I have you in my life."

I feel myself blushing. "Calm down, hot tamale. You sound like one of us is dying. Are you okay?"

He nods. "Yeah. Yeah of course."

"You know you can talk to me if somethings bothering you, right?"

"I know." I take his hand and lead him to my bed so we can sit. I rest my head against his shoulder. "Skylor, do you ever feel, I don't know, like really weird. Like your missing something in your life but you don't know what it is?"

I stare up into his amber eyes. "Is this about your parents?"

"No. Never mind, I'm probably just tired, you know?" I nod but I know he's lying. I pull him back onto my pillows and curl up into his side.

"I know what you're feeling, Kai. It's like there's something a part of me missing that I've yet to find."

"Are we just crazy?" He asks with a slight laugh in his words.

"No. We're both just, lost."

"You make me feel found," he whispers, burying his face into the crook of his neck.

"Me too.

*Seliel's Perspective*

I crouch down and slowly move closer. Once I know that no ones outside, I stand up and peer through his window. He's inside sitting at a small desk, an excited smile on his face. This man, this, boy, had just about taken everything worth living for from me.

I pull my katana out slowly. If I break the window and then immediately jump through he should be too stunned to do anything.

I step back and shake up my arms out to try and loosen up. This needs to be perfect. No messing up. Time to take your last breath, Jay Walker. I position myself to begin running. But I don't. I take a few deep breaths. C'mon Seliel. I spring forward.

I freeze, slipping in the sand covered ground. What is that? A strange squeak sounds from the trailer. The doors opening. It's now or never. "Edna, deary, have you seen Jay? He's supposed to help me fix up this bike." Jay's father walks out of the trailer. I quickly dive behind a pile of junk. Literally.

"He's in his room, Ed."

"He sure does spend a lot of time in there."

"He's working on-"

I leave before she finishes her sentence. I missed my chance. I bitched the whole mission. How could I have messed this up? I let out an angered scream. I had hesitated. I took too long. "Son of a bitch!" I throw my katana as far as I can. It skids to a halt in the sand. I fall to my knees. I can't kill him. He's Cole's friend. He's just a kid. A year younger than me. But what the Lord said. I groan. This is all so confusing.

I'm suddenly glad I asked my friends to stay back. If they saw my weakened state they'd tell him. And that was the last thing I needed.

I pick up my katana and begin the long journey home.

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