Dark Matter

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*Cole's Perspective*

"Very good today my pupils. We will resume tomorrow." Zane, Skylor, and I head inside to find out friends. Kai's in the living room, but everyone else is gone.

"Did you guys use your powers?" Kai asks.

Skylor nods sitting beside him. "Zane and I did. Mostly Zane. He's a natural."


"Not yet, I feel like I'm missing something." I sigh. "I'm gonna head to my room and take a nap. See you guys in a bit," I say. They wave as I leave.

I'm exhausted from working on my powers. I can feel them inside of me but I can't actually use them. I open the door to my bedroom and nearly shriek. "Seliel!? H-How did you? Why?"

"I was worried about you. And I knew you'd tell me not to come." She stand sand walks to me. She takes both my hands in hers. "I really missed you. No one knows I'm here so you're safe."

"How did you even find us? And how did you get in here without anyone seeing you?" I was glad to see her. It was a relief to see someone familiar.

"You might want to turn off your phones location. And if you can be a ninja so can I." I smile and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you, for coming. But you can't stay. I wish you could. It's dangerous for you to be here. If the city finds out they could lock you up or something. And we're learning how to control our powers but it's hard and I don't want you getting hurt."

She nods. "I know. I just needed to see you."

I let out a long breath. "Don't leave just yet. The guys think I'm sleeping." She raises a brow.

"Is there a bathroom. I haven't peed since I set out for this place."

Nodding, I point her down the hall. "It's just that way. She thanks me and sets out. I head back into my room and sit on my bed. I debated whether or not to tell my friends. They might not care but at the same time if Seliel let it slip on where we were-who know what they'd do to us.

When Seliel comes back we just sit on my bed talking. I tell her about our powers and that Wu is teaching us. She doesn't seem surprised about any of it but I also know she's good at hiding her feelings.

It's dark by the time we finish talking. She glanced out the window and stands. "I should go. You need to join your friends and I need to be back before someone notices."

I stand in front of her and meet her eyes. She's so beautiful, standing here in front of me. I reach forward and tucks a strand of pink hair behind her ear. "Seliel," I whisper. We've gotten closer together. I can feel her breath on my lips as I lean closer together. She closes her eyes and I follow suit. Within seconds our lips meet. Her lips are soft and taste vaguely of strawberries. I can feel my heart beating faster with each passing second.

When we pull apart we're both of of breath. "Goodbye, Cole." Before I can responds shes climbing through the window. At least I know how she got in. I blink and she's gone. I smile to myself and bounce on my feet. That was my first kiss ever.

I wanted to tell somebody; Maybe just Jay or Kai. I can't get rid of the smile on my face as I head to dinner.

*Kai's Perspective*

"Master of Fiyaaaahhhh!"

"Kai! No elements at the table."

"Sorry." I begin eating my soup as Cole walks in. His face is split with a large smile. "What's got you so happy."

He sits down beside Nya. "Just took a really great nap." After we make fun of Cole, dinner is silent as we eat our much needed food. Wu is gone for reasons I don't understand but the man himself is a riddle.

We're all exhausted so we just head to bed. I stop Skylor before she disappears into her room. "Good job today," I tell her. "Soon you'll be almost as good as me."

She rolls her eyes. "Once I can use your element we'll see who's the better fighter."

I smile. "I think we already know."

"Yeah you're right, it's me." Laughing I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. I bury my head into her ponytail. Her hair smells like orange citrus from the conditioner she uses. "You okay, hot tamale?"

"Just tired. I-"

A scream cuts me off. I recognize it as Jay. We jump apart and go running toward his room. Our friends close behind. I wrench open the door and see Jay yelping and jumping around his room. "Get it off! Get it off!" He screams. Cole pushes past me to step into the room.

"Get what off?" I yell back at him. At that moment he collapsed and I'm able to see a weird slimes black thing disappear down his neck into his gi.

"Jay?" Nya asks.

I don't know how long it is before a sickening voice fills the room. "Not Jay. Just me." Jay slowly gets to his feet. But when he raises his eyes to look at us we're not met with the electric blue they usually are. They're black. Our black. Not even a reflection in them.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Skylor asks. I stick my arm out in front of Skylor. This isn't Jay anymore.

Beneath his gi I can see black veins making their way down his neck and it his hands. He clicks his tongue, and tilts his head in a jerky, unnatural movement. "I'll give you a head start. You have three seconds." Without thinking I pull on Skylor and Nya's hands and run. I can hear that the others have followed suit. "MISAKO! WU!" I scream.

"Where do we go?!" Cole yells.

"Outside!" Zane responds. I skid to a halt and veer to the left and push open the double doors. "He'll do less damage out here."

Not-Jay nonchalantly walks out into courtyard, he's holding his weapon in one hand and has a small charge of alighting in the other.

"How do we fight our friend?" Lloyd asks. Now of us have an answer. "And where's Misako?"

"I though she left to go get more groceries?"Nya says. Her voice is shaking slightly. Now I felt stupid for calling for Misako earlier. "Jay? What are you doing? We're your friends. You don't want to hurt us."

"Wrong," the sickening sound comes from Jays mouth. "You stand no match for me. I can hurt every single one of you. But will you really hurt your dear little Jay? No."

I glance around at my friends. "What do we do?"

"We knock him out," Zane says. "Then we can tie him up and figure out how to bring him back to normal. We will not hurt him."

I nod. "Zane, this is why I love you."

"With all due respect, Kai, I'm not interested in dating guys." That would have been funny had Not-Jay not started walking forward.

"Who's first?" Not-Jay snickered.

"Surround him," Zane tells us. "We need to overwhelm him." While I stand still in front of Not-Jay, the others move out to cover all sides. Not-Jay stops and glances around.

"You think this little trick will work. You have no idea the power I'm capable of while in this body." We can't do anything to stop it. Not-Jay let's out a scream and lighting shoots from his body in all directions. I'm thrown back into the wall. I can't move my body and black washes over my eyes.

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