Preparing for Battle

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*Skylor's Perspective*

Stretching, I look around the dark room. Kai, Cole, and Nya were the only still sleeping. I would've slept longer had a certain someone not talked in his sleep directly into my ear.

I stand up and slip on some socks. I take one last glance around and exit the room. The others were probably in the kitchen and dining room so I made my way toward that.

Surprisingly the Bounty was quiet. Jay's laughter couldn't be heard from down the hall, Lloyd couldn't be heard complaining. I open the door to the kitchen/dining room and feel my jaw drop.

"Uh," is the only sound I can get from my mouth. Seven heads turned toward me. Yup. Seven. Jay, Lloyd, Zane, Wu, Seliel, Harumi, and Pixal. "You got them out," I say stupidly.

"Correct," Wu says, before returning to the stove.

I sit between a very awkward looking Jay and a Lloyd who couldn't seem to keep his gaze from Harumi. I feel Pixal's gaze on me so I quickly start a conversation with the two beside me. "How did he get them out?" I whisper.

Jay leans toward me. "He said he made an agreement with them."

"What agreement?" I ask.

Lloyd shakes his head. "We're letting them go. No questions asked."

Well that was stupid. Really stupid. "Why are they still here then? And where's the Scythe?" Jay sips from his juice box before answering.

"We're exactly a half hour from Ninjago City which is where we're dropping them off. So here we are, having a delightful breakfast with them. And the Scythe is right there." Jay points behind us to the Scythe propped up against the wall. I had been so distracted I hadn't even noticed it. "Juice box?" I accept Jays offer and take the fruit punch juice box from him.

I stab my straw into the carton and take a long drink while watching Harumi and Pixal's movements. I'd never seen Harumi this quiet.

Seliel sinks into her seat on the other side of Lloyd. She also has a juice box.

"Waffles anyone?" Zane asks. He places a plate with at least twenty waffles down in the center of table. Wu hands us plates and we all instantly start eating. Lloyd grabs three and proceeds to pour an absurd amount of syrup on them. I shake my head, kids these days.

Harumi grabs a waffle but Pixal does not move. Her eyes dance from one person to another, as if she was scanning them for something.

It's deadly silent in here. Okay that felt like a bad choice of words. It's really really quiet in here.

"Jay," Wu sighs. "Why don't you go wake the others. They'll need food before we reach Ninjago city." Jay nods and quickly runs from the room. I envied him. Sort of. I would love to leave but I also would not want to wake up Kai and Nya.

I stuff my mouth with my waffle and try to chew as quietly as possible. Lloyd doesn't seem to care about how silent it is and chews without a care in the world.

Luckily it doesn't take Jay long to come back. He's accompanied by Nya. "The others will be joining us shortly," he says. He motions for Nya to take his spot which she does. Jay then takes the only remaking seat. Between Zane and Pixal. "So," Jay starts as he pokes his waffle. He continues before anyone can shut him up. "How are you all on this fine morning?"

For the first time Harumi speaks. "Its like ten o'clock at night, dumbass." Her choice of words did not surprise me. Pissed off Nya though.

"Hey!" She yells. "Talk to him like that and I will not hesitate to throw you off this ship."

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