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*Lloyd's Perspective*

I was actually becoming friends with Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, and Skylor. They talked to me everyday in class and even invited me to sit with them at lunch. I enjoyed hanging out with them. I was proud of myself. And dad was proud of me too. I couldn't remember the last time dad was proud of me. I smiled to myself as I sat down at the lunch table.

*Kai's Perspective*

"Hey, Lloyd," I say as Lloyd sits down at our table. I look around for Jay or Nya. Normally The thought of Nya dating anyone, even one of my best friends, would piss me off. But after hearing what happened to Jay, and knowing how long he's had a crush on my sister, I would support this. But if he hurt her-

"Hey, babe," Skylor says, interrupting my thoughts as she sits down beside me.

I kiss her cheek. "Hey. Have you seen Nya?" She shakes her head. "Damn."


"Jay was going to ask out Nya before lunch but I haven't seen either of them."

"And you support this?"

"I'm supporting once. It won't last long." Skylor smirks.

"Well I'm glad. Nya's liked Jay for so long."


"You haven't noticed? Why do you think she cared so much when he got beat up?"

I roll my eyes. "Because she's a good friend."

"I love you, Kai, but sometimes your oblivious."

"Hey guys!" Nya sits down across from me. I narrow my eyes.

"Where's Jay?" Cole asks her.

"I don't know. I'm sure he'll show up soon. Also, you guys know that guy named Chad?" We all nod. "He just randomly asked me out like five minutes ago." My eyes widen and I exchange a glance with Cole and Zane. In sync we all stand up and race inside. Jay must've overheard.

We find his locker and Zane opens it since he's memorized all of our locker combos. Inside, the bunch of wildflowers are thrown into the back on the very bottom. Definitely not where we put them during second hour. Cole picks them up just as the rest of our friends come up behind us. "Okay what is going on?" Nya asks.

Cole hands the flowers to Nya. "Jay was going to give you those."

Nya inspects them carefully. "But why?"

"He likes you. He always has," Zane tells her. "He wanted to ask you on a date."

"Why didn't he?" Nya asks. Her eyes haven't moved from the small wildflowers. I knew she'd like them.

"He must've overheard Chad asking you out," Skylor tells her.

Lloyd smiles. "Then let's go get him."

*Jay's Perspective*

How could I have been so stupid. She'd never go out with a guy like me. She's too good. She needs a guy with more popularity, better looking, sporty.

There's no one in the halls so I groan and rest my forehead against a random locker. I'm so stupid. I'm not even angry at Nya. I'm angry at myself. The anger rises and I feel something awaken inside of me. Something raw and untamed. Without thinking I ball my hand into fist and punch the locker. Surprisingly, I actually make a dent. But that's not all. Sparks were flying out of my hand. I shake it trying to get them to get off but they say. "No, no, no. What is going on?!"

I back up, keeping my hand out in front of me. It feels as though my energy is flowing toward my hand and it's freaking me out. "Stop it," I tell my hand as though that will help. I try burying it into my hoodie but no avail. "Stop!" I scream. It did the opposite. Lightning shoots from my hand into the opposite wall.

I turn and run toward the front of our school. I need to get out of here. I can't think straight.

"Ah!" I hadn't seen the man standing there and I was running too fast to even stop myself if I had. My head hits the floor and for a brief second my vision goes dark. When it comes back I see an elderly man with a long white beard. "P-principle Wu?"

"Young Jay Walker, isn't it?" He sticks out his wooden staff and pulls me to my feet.

"Yes sir." He doesn't say anything but stares me up and down. "I'm really sorry I ran into you. It won't happen again. Um, can I go?"

"You have much power within yourself. Let it fly, Jay Walker. Let it fly." With that he turns and walks back into his office. I shake my head. Now I really need to go home. I finally make it outside where I can take a deep breath and try to collect my thoughts.

"Jay!" Oh my god can I have one moment to myself.

I turn around and am met with a familiar face. "Nya? What are you doing here? You should be at lunch. And I need to go, I-" just shot lighting out of my hand. I sigh. "I just really need to go."

"No you don't, I need to talk to you." I raise a brow. "Kai, Cole, Zane, they told me everything and I need you to know, I didn't say yes to Chad." She didn't? "I would never go for a guy like that. But I would've said yes, had you asked me."

"Oh." I run my neck. She would've said yes? My heart flutters in my chest and I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Um. Cool?"

Nya giggles softly. "That was me saying I want to go out with you Jay Walker."

My face gets even hotter. Oh my god! Nya actually likes me! "Oh." It was all I could get out. She breaks out in a grin.

"You're adorable." She takes my hand. "Is the offer still up?" I nod. "Then what do you say? We can go see a movie?"

"S-sounds great." I return her smile. I have a date with Nay! The events from earlier push their way to the front of my head. "I have to go though." I pull my hand away. "I'll text you!" I call to her while racing down the steps of our school.

I didn't want to leave her, especially not then, but I needed to figure out what was wrong with me.

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