Chapter 17 ~ Trouble at Gringotts

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After my talk with Harry, we decided to figure out a plan to get into Gringotts. There was no doubt that Voldemort had the entire place loaded with some kind of security around Diagon Alley and Gringotts probably had the most security out of all the places there.

Hermione had a strand of Bellatrix's hair and decided to create some more Polyjuice Potion in order for Hermione to turn into the crazy Death Eater. It was a mad idea, but it was the only way Hermione was able to get inside Gringotts. Ron was planning to disguise himself as well. I was going to transfigure various aspects of Ron's appearance to disguise him as a Death Eater. Griphook, Harry, and I were planning to hide under the Invisibility Cloak.

"Are you sure that's her hair?" I asked Hermione.

"Positive," she replied, looking at the strand of hair.

"Well, let's get started with that Polyjuice Potion, then," I told her.


The first of May came quicker than I thought it would. I was ready to sneak into Gringotts, get inside Bellatrix's vault, and find the Horcrux so we could destroy it. We still had to figure out how the hell we were going to destroy it now that Griphook was going to get the sword after we retrieved the Horcrux from the vault. I couldn't believe Harry just gave him the sword. On top of that, Harry and I had other problems to worry about, like not knowing if the Elder Wand belonged to him or to me. I knew that we had to tell the others sooner or later, because now was definitely not the time.

While Griphook, Ron, Harry, and I were waiting for Hermione, I looked down at Dobby's grave. "He didn't deserve to die," I spoke up.

Harry placed a hand on my shoulder. "No one deserves to die," he said.

I nodded in agreement. "You're right. But don't forget that we're trying to kill the greatest darkest wizard of all time..."

"Okay, You-Know-Who is an exception," Harry said, laughing.

I laughed with him. "Oh, he's definitely an exception."

After the laughing died down, Hermione, who now looked like Bellatrix, came outside and walked up to us. "Well? How do I look?" she asked us.

"Hideous," Ron, Harry, and I said at the same time.

"Thanks. That's what I was going for," she told us.

"Well, Bellatrix Lestrange isn't the most attractive woman in the world..." I pointed out.

"None of the Death Eaters are attractive," Ron added.

"Except Draco," I said, smiling a little.

Harry rolled his eyes at me and placed his hand in the middle of the five of us. "Okay, Griphook, we're counting on you to get us past the guards and inside Bellatrix's vault. After that, the sword is yours."

We Apparated to the edge of Diagon Alley. While Hermione was beginning to walk towards Diagon Alley, Griphook, Ron, Harry, and I did our best to stay hidden by leaning our backs against the wall.

"Madam Lestrange," a Death Eater said to Hermione, nodding his head.

"Good morning," Hermione blurted out, making the Death Eater eye her for a second before walking away from her. Hermione walked back to us in embarrassment.

"Good morning?" Griphook repeated. "You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not a schoolgirl! If you give us away, we might as well use that sword to slit your own throat!"

"Hey, take it easy on her," Ron protested, shooting Griphook a look.

"No, he's right. I was being stupid," Hermione told us, looking away.

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