Chapter 3 ~ Birthday Presents

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For the next few days, I couldn't go to sleep with all the voices in my head. They wouldn't go away.

First, I heard Moody's voice from the night we left Privet Drive, then Dumbledore came up a few times with flashbacks of Harry and I when we were talking about the Horcruxes last year. Slughorn and Tom Riddle's conversation came up about how to create a Horcrux. Everything I saw was about nothing but the Horcruxes. But then I heard Voldemort's voice, then I saw him in a dream.

"You lied to me. Lied to me, Ollivander."

As Ollivander screamed in fear, Voldemort grabbed him.

I woke up after that. I looked over and saw that Harry was also awake.

"I'm guessing you saw the same things that I saw?" Harry asked.

I nodded in response. "I wonder why Voldemort wanted Ollivander."

"Me, too," Harry added. "Max, I've been thinking about something. I think me and you should go hunting for the Horcruxes."

"You mean, you don't want Ron and Hermione to come with us?"

Harry shook his head. "It's too dangerous for them to come with us, especially with what happened trying to get here."

I hesitated, but finally nodded my head in agreement. "Okay, when do we leave?"

"I was thinking right now, actually."

"Well, let's hurry before we get caught."

Harry and I packed up our things and quietly snuck out through the front door. With our rucksacks on our shoulders, we headed for the field.

"Where are we going to start looking for the Horcruxes?" I asked Harry.

"Don't know yet," he replied. "I'm just trying to think where Voldemort would hide one."

"Going somewhere?" Ron's voice called out from behind us.

We stopped in our tracks, sighing in defeat, and turned around and faced him.

"Nobody else is going to die, Ron. Not for us," Harry said.

"For you two? You guys think Mad-Eye died for you two? You guys think George took that curse for you two? You two may be the Chosen Ones, but this is a whole lot bigger than that. It's always been bigger than that."

"Then come with us," I offered.

"What, and leave Hermione? You must be mad. We wouldn't last two days without her." Ron turned his head towards the Burrow and then back at us. "Don't tell her I said that," he added. "Besides, you two still have the Trace. There's still a wedding--"

"We don't care about a wedding," Harry snapped. "We're sorry. No matter whose it is. Max and I have to start finding these Horcruxes. They're our only chance to beat him. The longer we stay here, the stronger he gets."

"Tonight's not the night, mate," Ron said. "You'd only be doing him a favor."

Harry huffed a sigh, throwing his rucksack on the ground, walking away from me. I followed Harry, turning him around so that he was facing me.

"I hate to admit it, but he's right, Harry," I said. "We still have the Trace on us and leaving tonight would only do Voldemort a favor. We'll figure out a plan tomorrow, okay?"

Harry stared at me, then nodding his head in agreement. Ron picked up his rucksack and we walked with him back to the Burrow.

"Do you think he knows?" Ron spoke up. "I mean, they're bits of his soul, these Horcruxes. Bits of him. When Dumbledore destroyed the ring, Harry destroyed Tom Riddle's diary, he must have felt something. To kill the other Horcruxes, we have to find them. But where are they? Where do we even start?"

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