Chapter 1 ~ Now What?

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This summer at the Dursleys was the change I needed.

I wasn't getting beat up this time. I didn't have to do an entire list of chores for the day. It was strange and yet relaxing all at the same time. But it was still boring, despite the fact I wasn't a punching bag for Lucius Malfoy anymore.

I never really liked the summer, because I knew that I would always go back with the Malfoys every year. But things were different now that I went back with Harry and the Dursleys instead. I didn't have a choice. The Malfoy family ran off somewhere. I had no idea where they were at, but I was hoping that Draco was okay and still alive.

Draco. I missed him so much.

There were times where I thought I could still feel his lips on mine. I missed his voice, his touch, the security that he always gave me whenever we were together. I always thought I would hate him once we were older. But things had changed between us and I was glad that they did. He changed me for the better and I changed him for the better, too.

I hadn't heard from him ever since he left Hogwarts with Snape and the rest of the Death Eaters that he let inside the castle the night Snape killed Dumbledore. He never sent me a letter either. Nothing from him came to me this summer.

But even though I didn't spend my summer with Draco, I took advantage of it and spent my summer with Harry. It was the first summer me and him spent together. I didn't want it to be the only summer we would be able to spend together. We had some good times while we were at the Dursleys. I remembered when we made a cake that came from one of Aunt Petunia's recipe books.

"Are you sure we're doing this right, Harry?" I asked, smiling as I began to mix the batter in a bowl with an electric mixer.

"Of course. All we have to do is follow the book, right?" he reminded me, looking at the directions with a confused look on his face.

"You know, I wasn't sure if I would figure out how to use this thing," I told him.

"Let me have a turn, Max," Harry whined in a childish tone.

"In a minute, bro. I just got this thing."

But Harry, who was impatient, attempted to grab the mixer from me. I pulled it back as he still had his grip on it. The mixer was suddenly lifted from the bowl and the cake batter flew everywhere. It was all over the shelves, the stove, the sink, the walls, and all over me and Harry as well.

"Now look what you've done!" he shouted.

"Me? This was your fault, too!" I protested, trying not to laugh.

But we ended up laughing, anyway. We couldn't contain our laughter, even when Uncle Vernon came in, scanning his eyes around the messy kitchen that we had created. We tried to cover our mouths with our hands when he glared at us, but he had already heard us.

"Clean this mess up, will you?" he grumbled at us, then turned around to leave the kitchen. "Bloody kids," we heard him mumble to himself.

I had fun that day. For the first time since we arrived there, I was truly happy in that moment with Harry. But I went back to being gloomy and staying in the bedroom that I was sharing with Harry. I just went back to being me, really.

But what was there to be happy about? Dumbledore was dead, Hogwarts was practically taken over by Death Eaters now, Draco was missing, Voldemort was rising to power quicker than ever, a war was coming, and Harry and I were left with finding the last of the Horcruxes. The Horcruxes that we still didn't know where they were at or where they could be at.

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