Episode 3: A Dark Duel

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Skywalker sat down as Windu did the same.

Windu: I didn't call you to berate you. I understand that you've been working very hard. The reason I've called you is to actually discuss these core differences we have. Now, I know you cannot be happy about me in this spot, I get it. I wouldn't be happy if you were in this spot either, I have a couple weeks left but a few weeks is detrimental in a war. Me and a few other masters have discussed changing the code, however we all have the same mindset and we're under the same roof for our whole lives. Everyone apart from you. I've called you because we are different there's no denying it. I want to hear your opinion on what's going on, what we can do, what we can change. All of that. Off the record, just for our ears only.

Skywalker: Off the record?

Windu: Off the record.

Skywalker: Well, we're too involved in the war. It's gotten to the point where we can't even save people in need because they're not on our team. For example, you couldn't buy my mother out of slavery because the force told you all not too? Qui-Gon was an amazing man, but he screwed up there. Nothing should dictate or keep you from doing the right thing, even the force. People are wrong and we need a singular person in power who knows all.

Windu: No one person knows all, not even the most powerful force user. As for the listening to the force, it's what got us this far. But perhaps once again, times have changed. Or perhaps it is not listening to the force in the first place, or miss understanding it.

Mace sat and pandered.

Windu: Something has been wrong for so long, so long...

Skywalker: The republic shouldn't matter when it comes to doing the right thing, same with politics. It doesn't matter what our political opinions are, right is right it's how we get there which differentiates.

Windu: If only it was that simple. I do agree that the republic is holding us back. We shouldn't be soldiers, we should be ending the war not keeping it going. We should be helping people and not destroying their turns for a better political position.

Windu paused and realized something.

Windu: Woah, woah, woah. Wait. Back up. I'm sorry, I just realized. Your mother? What happened to your mother?

Anakin paused, he hasn't even told Kenobi this. He's told two people Padme and Palpatine, now he has to tell Windu or does he?

Anakin: Nothing. Nothing happened to my mother.

Windu: Nothing? Or there's nothing you want to tell me? Remember this is off the record.

Anakin: Nothing.

Windu: So be it, I'll respect your space. You can always talk to me despite our dislike. At the end of the day we have to help each other to end this. If feel like we're the key Skywalker, if we don't help each other... I'm afraid it could lead to disaster.

Skywalker: Back to the topic, we have to start helping the people truly in need, not just what the republic tells us to do. Qui-Gon believed in the force and so do I, just as much as him. It's the key.

Windu: I'll see what I can do. Thank you for your time Skywalker.

Skywalker: That's it? We're done? No scolding?

Windu simply shook his head.

Windu: Nope. Keep this between us 2, remember our ears only.

We cut to Dooku and Grievous, Grievous was still locked up as Dooku practiced his skills.

Medical Droid: He's ready.

Dooku: Good.. unleash him.

The bacta tank opened and Grievous stomped out, Dooku handed his lightsabers back that he stole back from Bane.

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