Episode 7: Rise of The Empire

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We move onto to Grievous, who is on board the invisible hand. Dooku, Anakin and Kenobi were currently fighting as Grievous was talking with a man on another ship.

Grievous: I have the chancellor cough on board. I will not surrender.

Republic Captain: Here are the terms, surrender and we will give you your life. Life in prison.

Grievous: I rather be dead you dimwit, that is a fate worse then cough death. I need better terms.

Republic Captain: Those are the only terms I can give.

Grievous: How about this, I give you both Dooku and the chancellor in cough exchange for my escape.

Republic Captain: Present Palpatine alive or we blow your ship up. You have ten minutes.

Grievous slammed his hand on the control board as the republic captain ended the call.

Grievous: Gonker and TD, go get the security cough camera!

The two walked off and went to go get the security camera.

Grievous: Those republic cough captains have to be so difficult.

TD and Gonker ran/slid as fast as they could to Grievous and handed him a picture.

TD: Count Dooku... he's dead.

Grievous: What about Kenobi, cough Anakin and the Chancellor?

TD: We saw no other bodies sir, we presume they're all still on the ship.

Grievous: That old hack cough couldn't kill a single one?!

TD: I'm afraid not sir.

Grievous: You two cough get in an escape pod. I want you two to survive.

Grievous patted both of their heads.

Grievous: TD I expect you to take care of cough Gonker.

TD: Yes sir.

Grievous: Goodbye my 2 friends.

The gonk droid gonked as TD waved as they walked off.

Grievous: Now it is time to take care cough of business myself. That old hack has failed me cough for the last time.

Grievous stormed off as we move into the council. Windu as is Kit Fisto.

Windu: Once we figure out who this Sith Lord is, I want you to come with me to battle him.

Fisto: I have too, I would've gone with you even if you told me no. I'm too far deep into this.

Windu: Alright, Seasee Tin and Agen Kolar are coming with me. Do you think that's enough?

Fisto: Are Kenobi and Skywalker alive?

Windu: I'm not sure, they haven't reported back yet. We'll need people to fight Grievous, I want to send Kenobi. As for Skywalker... I don't think he'd be ready to fight Palpatine or one of his closest allies. It's too risky, he'll be forced to choose between one side, he needs Kenobi to calm him down and rationalize him. I can't do that with him, I'm simply not that type of person.

Fisto: I see, it's your call.

Windu: I believe I have to sit him out, it's far too risky and I simply cannot take a risk like that this late in the game.

Fisto: But perhaps all he needs is your trust?

Windu: I'll tell him to stay behind if he is indeed is alive and returns back in one piece and if he does he'll gain my full trust.

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