Luke's got a cute booty

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Bella p.o.v.

I ran around the corner and continued to sprint up the path to Lukes house. I opened the door and ran up to his room, waving at his mom on the way.

"Ooh Lukey!" I knock on his door briefly before barging in. "Time I get up!" I run and up on his bed.

"I'm up!" He screams before plummeting to the ground. I peek over the edge of the bed.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Go where?" He says into the carpet.

"On a Bella and Luke day." I say getting off the bed. "We don't spend enough time together so I planned an entire day for just you and me."

"Can I get dressed first?"

"5 minutes." I say running from the room.


*third person*

20 minutes later they're in the car and on their way to the first stop of the bonding trip.

They were almost there, according to Bella after Luke begged to know where they were going, when taylor swift came on.

They both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Oh hell yes we're doing this." Bella said turning up the radio.

They started belting out the beginning of "Blank Space", ignoring the weird looks from people in cars next to them.


They pulled up to a wedding shop and Luke shot Bella a confused look.

"Why a wedding shop?" He asked, voice laced with confusion.

"We're trying on wedding things." Bella said and got out of the car as if it was nothing.

"Uh, I don't know if they'll two random teens try o-"

"I called ahead and asked." She scoffed. "I wouldn't walk into battle without checking if it was going to rain."

"What does that even mean?"

"I don't know but it sounded right." Bella said running up the steps to the door.

Luke raced up behind her and inside the store.

"Bella and Luke for 1 o'clock." She says leaning on the counter.

"I don't get why we're doing this." Luke whispers to her.

"Because I wanna see you in a tux and I want you to pick out the dress my future wife will marry me in, now shut up." She whisper shouts back, giving the lady a smile.

The lady, Annabelle, led them both back into the dressing room area. Bella asked for anything that screamed "Virgin!" For Luke and anything that screamed "I don't wanna be a virgin but look at all this sparkle!" For her.

Annabelle gave Luke two tuxes, one white one with pink details, and a black one with a white tie. Bella's was a ballroom style, feathery, and strap less, the other was a mermaid style covered in gems and lacing.

They both ran off to their different dressing rooms. Luke still in shock that he was trying on wedding  clothes. How did Bella convince them to let two teens who aren't even getting married to try on things?

Luke and Bella both stepped out of the dressing room at the same time.

"Omg Luke's got a cute booty." Bella squealed a bit.  "Spin."

Luke did a small twirl in the white tux.

"Your turn!" Luke said rushing her in front of the mirror. Bella struggled walking in the mermaid dress but she had to admit she looked stunning.

"How's everything going?" Annabelle came into view.

"Amazing." Bella smiled and ran off to try on the other dress. Luke decided to follow her lead and go try on the other tux.

Bella rushed out of the room, beating Luke this time, more excited for this dress than the last. Luke came out to find Bella smiling at herself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Bells." Luke said quietly.

"You too, Lukey." Bella said looking at him. "That's it. For your wedding you should have a tux like that." She breathed out.

"And you should have a dress like that." Luke said joining her in the mirror. "Hey! I look like a penguin!"

"You guys appointment is almost over, sorry to intrude." Annabelle said.

"I think we just finished." Luke said, Bella nodding her head to agree. On their way back to the dressing rooms Annabelle saw Bella wipe away a tear and smiled.

"They always tear up." She said to herself before leaving the room.


Bella and Luke ran from the Wedding shop and into the car as fast as they could.

"You could have told me the only reason they let us try stuff on was because they thought we were getting married!" Luke shouted and then howled with laughter. "The school lesbian and gay getting married."

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think of it that way!" Bella yelled and then laughed along with Luke.

"Where to next?" Luke asked looking out the window. 

"We're going to go babysit my cousins because I promised I would." Bella said turning into a drive way. "Their names are Bailey and Carson, they're 4 and 5."

Luke is left alone in the car as Bella jogged up to the house. Luke scurried after her and got to the door right after someone, who he assumes, is the mother opened the door.

It didn't take long before the parents were rushing to leave for some big meeting. The girl, Bailey, instantly took to Luke.

"You have cute hair. Come play tea party!" She squealed. Luke looked toward Bella for help but all he got was a shrug and smirk. Carson started laughing.

"She always does this, and she'll throw a fit if you don't play the game." He ran up to the play room.

Luke took a seat at her little play table and she plopped a crown on his head.

"You get to be the Princess! I'm the queen." She giggled. Bella watched from a far, smiling while playing cars with Carson.

"Who's my prince?" Luke asked.

"Well, your girlfriend silly." Bailey said pouring fake tea.

"Well, I have a boyfriend not a girlfriend. Does he count?" Luke asked and pretended to eat a fake cookie, which earned a giggle from Bailey and Bella. Carson just rolled his eyes but listened more into the conversation.

"That's even better!" Bailey squealed loudly and ran to get teddy bears to join the tea party.


Luke and Bella had gotten the kids to fall asleep on the couch watching a movie, Bailey in Luke's lap and Carson on the ground. Luke scooped up Bailey and Bella watched carefully as Bailey wrapped her arms around Luke's neck. Luke quietly carried her to her bed and Bella did the same for Carson.


After the parents has gotten home, the two teens where ready to curl up and sleep.

"Sorry this day turned into babysitting instead of a hang out day. I hadn't expected them to be gone all night." Bella said with a yawn. Luke yawned too.

"It's okay, I had fun. Lets go back to mine? Watch a movie? Maybe just pass out." Luke said with another yawn.

So they made their way back to his house, popped in Nemo, and fell asleep before Nemo had even been kidnapped.










A/N; sorry this chapter is so late. I know it seems random and it's not one of my best chapters, it's short for one, but it's important for the plot. Sorry again for the wait- Alissa

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