chapter 15

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Luke p.o.v

I ran up the steps of the school with Michael and Bella in tow. Today was going to be a long one. We had tests in all our classes before lunch, and in the ones after lunch we were going to have game day, but not fun games, games like "whoever can answer this question gets a point" games.

"Slow down there, no ones in a rush for our morning testing except you, Luke." Michael shouted from the bottom of the staircase. Bella stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him.

"It isn't the tests he's excited for." She yelled back before joining me at the top and pulling me inside.

I looped my arm through Bella's and lead her over to our lockers. I put in my code and a note fluttered to my feet. The little white scrap of paper read, "Do great on the tests today, love you Lukey." with a very oddly shaped heart next to it.

Bella heard my giggles and took the note from me. Quickly reading it, she tossed it back at me and pretended to throw up.

"Haha." I said slipping the note into the little pocket on the inside of my binder. "I think it's sweet."

"And I think you two are so sweet, it's gonna give me cavities." Bella sarcastically replied, but smiled so I knew she was joking.

Michael finally made his way over to us and had a dopey grin on his face. Already knowing the case of that smile, I glanced behind him to prove I was right. Which I was, because there Calum stood leaning up against the locker next to Michaels talking to a jock who's name I can't remember.

"You're both so smitten, when do I get to be smitten." Bella rolled her eyes at us.

"When you get the courage to talk to Mia?" I suggested lightly.

"Oh buzz off she's straight, look there she goes, properly snogging her boyfriend." She gestured behind me. I turned around, and she was right. Smack dab in the middle of the hall was Mia snogging Brayden.

"You dont need her anyway, you are a strong independent person who don't need no girl." Michael said snapping his fingers in a "Z" formation.

I giggled and seem to have caught the attention of a group of jocks walking past, Ashton being among them. He turned and smiled at me where as the others were less friendly.

"Try to keep it down, yeah? No one needs to hear you're annoying laughter." Jordan snapped.

"Yeah, do everyone a favor and just go mute." Alexander said high fiving Jordan.

I looked to Ashton and I could see the guilt written across his face. He wasn't gonna tell them to stop. Ashton mouthed the words "I'm sorry, love." I could see Bella giving him a death glare out of the corner of my eye, and i'm glad she was or I would have.

"I think I like Luke's voice a little too much to let him go mute, but yours on the other hand." Bella said shrugging.

Jordan opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by first bell. He just shook his head and they all turned their backs on us to go to first period. Ashton lingered back a bit and came to kiss my cheek when no one was looking, before running to catch his friends.

"If you don't stay mad at him for at least a week because of that, I'll refuse to have sleepovers with you for a month. I swear, Luke, I'll do it." Bella said pointing at me.

"Yeah, trust me I will be. Let's get to class, we're late." I said slamming my locker.


Lunch came quicker then I hoped it would. I walked with Bella to the cafeteria, I hate this part of the day.

"What do you want?" Bella asked me. I just shook my head and broke away from her to go to our table. She sat across from me soon after with a tray of spaghetti.

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