Chapter 5

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Lukes p.o.v.

"Can I sit?" Ashton asks. I shrug and sit up on the rock letting my feet dangle over the edge. He climbs up taking a seat next to me.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask quietly and scoot away a bit. He frowned but I ignored it.

"I shouldn't have walked out on you with Micheal and Calum. You're my best mate and i should have stayed." He says.

"What made you change your mind?" I ask slowly.

"I-i'm g-gay too." He stumbles out. I turn to him in shock. "I know i should have said something when you came out, i just, after seeing Micheal and Calums reactions i couldn't. And now you're getting bullied!" Ashton says very rushed.

" And you don't want to end up being bullied like me." I finish for him.

"Yeah, i guess." He looks down sadly. I want to hug him and tell him everything will be okay but i can't.

"I understand, i wouldn't want you to get bullied." I wanna show him the pictures. "Look." I jump off the rock and retrieve the tin before climbing back up.

I took out handing them to him in order, oldest to newest. I watched him as he looked threw them smiling, until he got to the newest one.

"Just me, the brothers don't want to know me anymore, i screwed everything up. The memories here are the best i have. Luke age 17." He read off the back before looking at me teary eyed.

"Luke i'm sorry." He put the pictures in the tin before attacking me in a hug. "So sorry." I put my chin on hus shoulder and i could smell his shapoo, Strawberrys. God i wish i could tell him how i feel. He pulls back.

"Please don't out me. I'll try and keep the team off of you. Okay?" I nodded. "Hehe i just realized, we won't get to do a picture this year. Its just gonna be you and me."

"Yeah."  A bolt of thunder cracks in the sky. "Let's go inside? You can stay over? Only if you want." I add quickly and look down. I shouldn't have asked, we just made up.

"Sure." He smiles and leaps off the rock waiting for me. I leap off after him. "Old time race?" He said. I nod and we took off.


*Tuesday morning*
Lukes p.o.v

So i've only been beaten up twice today. Oh and i need new glasses. Today has been wonderful and it's just now lunch. Ashton ignores me, and Marcus has been so busy with extra work i have no friends to talk to. I'm pretty much alone.

I pick up a lunch tray and got whatever this is, it looks like mush.

"Look worthless is eating!"

"He's just gonna throw it up later! Ya know." One of the players made a barfing motion with his hands.

"He could lose a few pounds. Maybe he wouldnt be a fat fuck."

I bent my head down and walked to the back of the lunch room. Maybe i shouldn't eat. I mean they're right i'm a little over weight. I sat down and pushed my lunch away and stared at shoes pretending I don't hear all the mean things about me.

I get up, leaving my tray behind, and walk to the boys room. I look in the mirror. Yeah, i need to lose a lot of weight. Why are my eyes such an ugly color?

I run my hands through my hair. Gosh, all I did was come out and i'm being treated like I killed someone. I just wanna go home.


That night I skipped dinner saying i wasn't hungry. I texted Ashton instead.

"Why did you ignore me all day? Pttf nvm why should i care, it's not like i need new glasses or anything! - Luke."

"Sorry, if i talked to you, i would get bullied too. - Ashton."

That hurt. He doesn't even care about he getting bullied, just himself.

"Glad you care that i got beat up 3 times.- Luke." Yes i got beat up right before I got on the bus.

"I said sorry. - Ashton." God why do i have to like this kid.

I toss my phone aside, my tummy growling. I ignored it and turned over trying to go to sleep.




Really short chapter that took me forever because i was stuck but i'll be updating again tonight. - Alissa.

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