08 | target practice

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Grayson 'Ace' Valentine III
[ tues, nov 8th 8:11 PM ]
Aunt May's - Diner

For a moment, Ace thought that Zolina was about to crawl into his lap— not that he'd mind

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For a moment, Ace thought that Zolina was about to crawl into his lap— not that he'd mind. But that's how badly she was trying to avoid being seen by whoever the man was that was walking up to their table.

In an instant, Ace already sized him up; he didn't like the way this dude was glaring at Zolina, but decided there wasn't going to be an issue with a fraud dressed in cheap, casual business attire, who also had a man bun.

Ace pulled Zolina closer into him as the man opened his mouth to speak.

"What's up, Zo?" His voice was cheery, but he had a scowl plastered on his face. "Back to the short hair, huh?"

"What do you want?" Zolina snapped, avoiding eye contact with whoever the person was.

"Damn," he laughed. "I can't ask how you are? We still on this bullshit?"

"Me and you aren't on shit anymore."

She looked up at him, and Ace swore he could feel every ounce of warmth drain from her body.

The fuck this nigga do to her?

The man flared his nostrils and ran his tongue over his teeth, as if he was looking for words to say. Ace tried to mind his business, but he already didn't like the way the conversation was going.

"Ay, man," Ace lifted his hand from around Zolina's shoulders and extended it. "I'm Ace."

Ace already knew that he wouldn't shake it. He just wanted to push the man's buttons the same way he was clearly pushing Zolina's.

Just as expected, the man scoffed and put his hands in his pockets.

Ace chuckled to himself and put his arm back around Zolina's shoulders, this time his hand played with the collar of her shirt before he slipped it beneath the fabric.

Not wanting to cross the line— at least until she gave him permission to— Ace caressed her chest's smooth skin, just above her breasts, watching in enjoyment as the man clenched his jaw.

Now what, nigga?

"So what, Zo? You chilling with this nigga now?" He spat out. "That's what it is?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "You should be thanking this nigga, that you're even able to talk to me right now."

He scrunched his face up, "The fuck are you talking about?"

"He's the reason why I only got stitches that night, and not a toe tag."

The men exchanged looks; trying to put two and two together. Ace watched as the man's expression softened when he looked back at Zolina.

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