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[ fri, feb 10th 3:26 AM ]
Valley Hill - Medical Centre

Omniscient[ fri, feb 10th 3:26 AM ]Valley Hill - Medical Centre

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Everyone had a different kind of relationship with Zolina.

To Trinity and Miracle, she was a best friend and confidant. Phoenyx and Demetrius quickly assumed the role of her overprotective brothers, and appreciated her for the good changes that she brought in Ace.

Lucas and Roxanne always found her personality addicting to be around. Creatively, Zolina was Indigo's twin flame.

For Ace, he learned that she was everything and more. But most importantly; his first love.

A dark cloud hovered over the hospital waiting room as the group of friends waited for either good, or bad news.

Zolina had lost her pulse at the scene and was revived in the ambulance, but her condition became critical. The most that the receptionist could tell them when they arrived, was that she was in surgery.

After being arrested, Demetrius was taken to a precinct outside of the city. The officers continued to ask him questions about the night's events— still under the impression that he had something to do with it.

When a random witness came forward and revealed details of the shooting that corresponded to Demetrius' story, they finally let him go.

"Lucas just picked up Meech." Indigo walked over to the wall where Phoenyx stood. "They're on their way."

Phoenyx only nodded as Indigo gave him back his phone. He kept his eyes trained on Ace, who hadn't said a word since the paramedics lifted Zolina off of the sidewalk.

Indigo followed his gaze and sighed, before returning to her seat across from her girlfriend. Roxanne was sandwiched in between the sleeping twins, who had cried themselves into exhaustion.

Ace was slumped over in one of the hospital's cheap, plastic chairs. His elbows rested on his knees as he stared down at his jeans and shoes that were spotted with Zolina's blood.

The last couple of hours had numbed him, and he knew that the only way he'd be able to feel something is through knowing that she was still breathing.

Phoenyx pushed himself off of the wall and sat down beside his best friend. They hadn't talked much lately, but he already knew that Ace was blaming himself.

All Phoenyx could do was put his arm around Ace's stiff shoulders, making it known that he was right there with him.

"I got you." Phoenyx sighed out to him. "Always."

* * *

[ 4:08 AM ]

[ 4:08 AM ]

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