38 | day 25

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[ tues, mar 7th ...minutes earlier ]
Valley Hill - Medical Centre

minutes earlier ]Valley Hill - Medical Centre

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"The fuck?"

Ace came to a halt as soon as he opened the door, causing his sister to run into his back. After taking a quick shower, he rushed over to the hospital; his anxiety going through the roof after his nightmare.

Once he stepped into the room and saw that Zolina was— still in a coma, but alive, he thought that he could relax.

That was until he looked at the person sitting beside Zolina's bed, holding her hand.

"Move, Ace." Gwendolyn grumbled. She was about to curse him out until she saw who he was looking at. "Oh... Shit."

Lucas hid his face in Miracle's neck, "Here we go again."

The new guest looked over, smiling only at Ace's sister, "What's good, Gwen?"

"Hey, LyLy." She waved, but dropped her hand when her brother mugged her. "Uh, long time no see."

"LyLy?" Phoenyx mugged her too. "Since when you start callin' this nigga LyLy?"

"Ain't his name Eli, or sum'n?" Demetrius wondered out loud.

"Fuck are you doin' here?" Ace snapped, ignoring the others.

"What everyone else is doing here." Eli answered smartly, continuing to rub the back of Zolina's hand. "I came to see Zo."

After ending their romantic fling amicably, Zolina and Eli did actually remain friends. They texted innocently here and there, with an occasional outing to an art show, or paint 'n' sip.

But after opening up to him about everything that happened with Ace, she seemed to shut down. Zolina had been wearing a mask to shield the pain, and once she finally took it off, everything was different.

Eli tried to still be there for her— strictly as a friend —but understood that she needed her space.

Roxanne ended up sending him out of town to represent Garden of Eden in a tattoo convention, and he went straight into work mode.

It was impossible to forget Zolina, so Eli simply pushed her to the back of his mind. When he returned to the shop today and ran into Indigo, he wasted no time following her to the hospital after learning what had happened.

"A whole month later, nigga?" Ace cocked his head to the side. "Damn. You must really give a fuck."

Eli scoffed at his sarcasm, "Says the nigga who rejected and hurt the fuck out of her."

Everyone in the room took an audible gasp.

"Guys." Miracle held a hand up. "I really don't think this is the right time—"

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