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Grayson 'Ace' Valentine III
[ sat, jan 14th 1:49 AM ]
Town Square Apartments

Grayson 'Ace' Valentine III[ sat, jan 14th 1:49 AM ]Town Square Apartments

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As soon as Zolina texted Ace that she had made it home, he left Infrared. Refusing to let any more time pass since they had their little argument, he drove straight to see her.

He didn't consider that Eli might have been there— and based on tonight's events, he knew he should have thought that through. But he had to see her. He needed to see her.

When he parked and looked around, he didn't see any unfamiliar vehicles in the lot. Other than his Range Rover, the rest of the visitor slots were empty. He hoped for the best as he made his way into the elevator.

There was music playing faintly from the inside of her apartment, but her singing overpowered it. It wasn't loud enough to bother the other tenants, but clear enough to hear if you were standing right by her door.

Holding the McDonald's bag with one hand, he used the other to fish in his pocket for his phone. Unsure if she'd hear him knocking, and doubting that she'd answer his call, he sent her a text.

(1:54 AM):
can you open the door ma?

The music faded in and out as her notification went off. He heard her stop singing, followed by movement, and then locks being turned.

Zolina opened the door, and Ace took in a sharp breath.

Her hair was still styled, and makeup still on; diamonds and all. The tank top she wore was distressed, and cropped right under her breasts. The only thing it really covered were her nipples, which were poking through the fabric.

To top it all off, Nike Pro shorts and a pair of fuzzy socks.

Fuck. She just gon' tease me all night.

She left him standing there— with a semi-hard dick, disappearing back into her apartment without saying a word. Letting himself in, he locked the door and followed behind her.

There were soap suds dripping from her hands, and he watched as she dipped them back into the sink and scrubbed on a frying pan.

"Honestly..." The bluetooth lit up as the next song came on.

"I got you an Oreo McFlurry and some fries..." Ace put the fast food bag down on her kitchen counter.

It was Zolina's alternate snack for peach cobbler scones when Aunt May's was closed, usually after a night out.

"Thanks." She said flatly, not turning around.

She started to hum to the melody of Summer Walker's 'Girls Need Love', before she was back to full on singing. He stood there, entranced by her voice.

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